With the bank refactoring merged, now you can accurately adjust people’s department payment.
this is “Payment” menu in the console
- HoP Console will show the full list of payment for every person (but you still need corresponding access to adjust them in this menu. It’s mainly for payment querying.)
- Heads Console will only show their corresponding department payment for every person.
this is “Access manipulation” menu in the console (Up: CE console / down: HoP console)
- HoP console will be capable to adjust every payment status of a person
- Heads console will be only capable to adjust its department’s payment status of a person.
- Department manifest status: this lets a person to be in a department in crew manifest. CMO can let an assistant to be in medical department
- Vendor free: This lets the person to buy a department items for free
- changing someone’s job will automatically change a person’s payment status.
This means a CMO doesn’t have to ask HoP to adjust an assistant’s payment. You can directly hire them by setting their payment if you want them to be a doctor, or setting bonus to them.
- HoP can make a new bank account with a cost of 1000 credits in service budget
I know bee doesn’t have actual meaningful economy system, but this will be a first step to make better economy. lol