Admins abuse a poor drake

CKEY: crow4

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Offender’s CKEY: not_a_shark was online, but I don’t think they did it, i think an invisibo admin did the deed

Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant): none

Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 03/02/2022

Round Number: 36456

Rules Broken (if relevant): none at all

Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant): I can’t cite exactly, but it was lame.

Incident Description: Just observing the round, it was pretty chill nothing going on really besides normal game mode shit, accidentally, totally by fluke an Ash Drake (sweet and innocent) gets stuck on the mining shuttle, and somehow launched, and then, somehow called back to the station. The innocent, scared creature reacted how you’d expect, and in no short amount of time started decimating the crew and station. Then, someone online used their admin abilities to splatter this drake into death, granting a bunch of seccies “Drake Killer” just for bein around it when it was instant gibbed. Also gave the crew the drops from said drake, allowing the heads an advantage over the revs, potentially, if the uhh… revs were to use very specific means to kill people

Additional Information: very uncool


You missed something important, it was allowed to rampage for a good minute or two in the main hallways killing lots of people. Its only once it got close to the brig that it was smited.


Need to add a rule broken if your gonna make a report, otherwise it should be moved over to general as more of a complaint


I mean, it gibbed two heads, but as was mentioned the second it wandered near brig, bam, instadead.
I, the Rev chaplain, grabbed the drake hide, and spent the rest of the round in Xeno talking to my sword and trying to make more, so the heads never used ashdrake armour at least.

That being said, revs is usually either a two minute roundtype or a two hour one, and this drake gave an opportunity to spice up the round in a way that manually enforcing as an admin would get you demoted for bussing, so better things certainly could’ve been done; perhaps making it sentient and giving it the objective to demand tribute might’ve been better? Or even just letting it kill people, a dragon is certainly a dynamic hazard and i was genuinely considering feeding the captain to it.

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you uhhh… don’t get how reports work, look one thing down.

Yeah I mean the drake being there was completely IC issue as it was one of the miners that attacked the drake and then I tried to save the miner while the drake aggroed me. Then I ran to the mining shuttle and tried to escape but it got inside the shuttle just before I left. Then someone in cargo called the shuttle in and it started to rampage around the station.

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that IS a good point, I did forget to mention it was allowed to roam for about 4 minutes in total on station

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This isn’t particularly helpful.

I’m not the author but I’ll say this for them as somebody whose got no idea. Smiting it was a little extreme and “immersion breaking” and perhaps a better way would have been sending an ERT or something since it seems like defeating hostile wildlife would fall directly in their wheelhouse of responsibilities.

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I was there and believe that this was overreach and it should’ve been handled more icly than, “Ash drake on the station, I’ll just gib it for the crew while it’s at half health”.

Yeah the ask drake was killing people and by the brig but the ash drake came up through naturally and wasn’t some greifer who sent it up to the station. If anything the admin should’ve sent maybe a emergency weapons via pods or just waited to see if they needed to send a ERT to help out if things got messier. Megafauna are hard to kill on the station (with I’m sure colossus being impossible) but the station was handling it and didn’t need that bad of a intervention. Still not really a rule break but I think it’s poor taste just to gib it. It got onto the station naturally, it was half dead already, and the crew would’ve been still able to kill it. Don’t make it a hugbox.


How is it a hugbox? The crew was making way on it, imagine how fuckin thrilled they’d be if they actually murdered it, and they were KINDA DOIN IT. I can’t state exactly what part of the admin code is broken, I felt it was somewhat an overreach personally, as the drake did naturally get on the station, by a total fluke, not griff, just fluke drake. It was a natural part of the round, and the crew banded together to at least try to fight the huge valid. I guess I’d point out the admin policy on threat response, but I can’t exactly cite it.

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That is my point, I was calling what was done as a hugbox move. I think deleting the ash drake is a bad move and shouldn’t be done like that unless you want to make it into a hugbox


I agree. I felt it was a natural “disaster” that the crew was actively fighting, it created a fun atmosphere of instant potential death instead of just “haha got u” death like normal.


Admins are allowed to influence the round and change its pace. This, although lame in your eyes, might’ve contributed to round being more interesting in long term.
If you can’t really find a rule that the admin broke, did he break any rules at all?

No it wasn’t? I literally shot it to death with my shotgun.

With the description of events, I believe the only thing that could have been better was drop podding/teleporting the drake back to lavaland. I am totaly with the idea to remove an near unkillable gib machine thats never supposed to be topside from being removed if the crew cannot.

Ask drakes derails the round for both sides and is not fun to deal with for anyone but the miner with epic gear. The only advantage this would grand either side is being accidentally killed by this death machine who is immune to lasers.

Not to mention if I recall correctly, getting gibbed by megafauna leave youre brain unrevivable, so no “recovery” arc would even be possible.

Fair use of admin intervention in my book. So I will have to reject this