Admin review

admins are basically shitsec with none of the self-deprecation and all of the irrational and incorrigible behavior. they rely upon people making appeals (not other admins, or people in charge) to check their behavior. it’s dumb. you shouldn’t have to make an appeal if ur wrongly banned, the ban just shouldn’t happen in the first place.

Admins are nazis

They did Nazi that coming

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Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe, just maybe that doing this makes you less likely to be unbanned?

Admins are volunteers. Nobody here gets payed to put up with you. You are, quite literally, wishing death upon about 20 people for no reason other than being slow at processing an appeal you made about 2D Pixel men. Tell me, has it ever occurred to you that you telling a group of people to go die might make them less likely to do as you ask? Nah, must be becuase they’re all power tripping fascists bullying poor old you.

I also find it funny you compare us to sec considering that your ban is for permabrigging someone for calling the shuttle.


admins are basically shitsec with none of the self-deprecation and all of the irrational and incorrigible behavior. they rely upon people making appeals (not other admins, or people in charge) to check their behavior. it’s dumb. you shouldn’t have to make an appeal if ur wrongly banned, the ban just shouldn’t happen in the first place.

@Xlyana get in here

admins are basically shitsec with none of the self-deprecation and all of the irrational and incorrigible behavior. they rely upon people making appeals (not other admins, or people in charge) to check their behavior. it’s dumb. you shouldn’t have to make an appeal if ur wrongly banned, the ban just shouldn’t happen in the first place.


Admins work FOR me if we didn’t play they’d have no one to admin over
No but legit admins are what security guards are to the police
They are power hungry tyrants who wish they was good enough to be a employer instead of a employee

I joke I joke I kid I kid, if I offend I’m sorry please please forgive

/ban LastCrusader105

admins are basically shitsec with none of the self-deprecation and all of the irrational and incorrigible behavior. they rely upon people making appeals (not other admins, or people in charge) to check their behavior. it’s dumb. you shouldn’t have to make an appeal if ur wrongly banned, the ban just shouldn’t happen in the first place.

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boot licking, I see?

No I can quite happily say fuck the admins

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I’m really not sure if I should be pleased at the fact that I’m not important enough to be placed here or not.

But hey, thanks for not comparing me to Joseph Goebbels I guess.

Your a trail min
Your next to nothing

Did i say u could all die i don’t remember saying that

also @Xlyana U can die

Well good to see admemes aren’t immortal according to Mr. Sole. Who even wants to live forever anywho? maybe me but maybe not idrk

Eternal life is the goal of my non eternal life

OK Skeletman


mother fucking 5 characters

Fuck jannies
Read siege