Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant):
he was ghost
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 21/11/2021
Round Number: 34202
Incident Description:
i was a ex comm guy and incursion was hunting me down later on through diplomacy i teamed up to capture the incursion we managed to capture some until cc warned them for believing a syndicate agent (proof on incursion was found on the guys) eventually centcomm fired all of sec and sent a ert after them since it was my fault i told hos i will help to ‘convince’ the ert to back down. once the ert arrived i stole their shuttle while a admin was recalling it once i was on the shuttle i get bombed and die while my body gets stuck in space. when i died i asked admin why and he said something about im not supposed to be at centcomm as a antag and bring it up in forms and then muted me
(not sure which admin actually bombed me (main issue) but i didn’t receive anteg token)
as a ex comm arnt you a Retired Syndi agent who is being hunted its not breaking rules if your part of nanostern now and being hunted by real agents
(basically fugitives with extra steps)
(do whatever just dont get killed also you can try to do these objectives to hide your trail)
It’s not technically against the rules (unless some line was added on the wiki), but everyone acts like it is. It’s very much an unspoken rule. Same thing happens with lings who get the objective to hunt other lings. Their best bet is allying with NT but actually doing it is treated as an offense. In both cases it’s not what the antag was designed to do.
Exploding you for it instead of giving an explanation is a shit move though, but we all know franc won’t get any consequences, so shrug.
1: You weren’t exploded. The CC Ferry control console was exploded after it issued a warning in chat that it would do so.
2: You were attempting to gain access to Central Command. Central Command is the most secure area in the game, which contains some items that we’re really not allowed to just let you have. It is standard practice to kill people who gain access there.
3: From the rules:
Willfully assisting known antagonists is self-antag. Your loyalty is to Nanotrasen, your co-workers, and the station. There are no friendly antagonists.
This doesn’t apply to you, the antagonist, but it does apply to the HoS, which is who the ERT was sent after.
4: Ex-comms are still syndicate agents. The syndicate is not one homogenous organisation, it is a coalition of rival companies that in many cases betray each other (hence why traitors can be tasked with killing other traitors)
You’re supposed to take the place of a security officer (for example), not ally with security.
Since this is now the ling advice thread, you can also use voice change and tell sec about lings without fear of discovery, just get a sec headset first unless you want to make it public lmao.
i see that antags cant cooperate with sec as a rule but the control shuttle just said i had invalid access to it and said that there is somebody not it plus i didnt even have access to actually fly the thing when i got on it was a solid minute before it launched point being why launch a shuttle with a antag on it just to gib him with no warning
it just said invalid access 1 unauthroized guy on the shuttle
it didnt say its going to explode the shuttle .
i didnt even know was getting launched
so point is shuttle was launched which was beyond my control as i have just boarded it and admin or shuttle (which is still a admin tool ) exploded me
place antag token here ---------------------->
I have talked it over with fran, while exploding the ship/console was not a good move. They are right to deny acces to centcom. its a admin Z-level with admin stuff on it. and generally players should not be there for any reason. How ever a option to send you back would have been better.