Admin Report zoom9337

zoom9337 Admin/Mentor


Your Discord:

Offender’s CKEY:zoom9337

Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant):

Date (YYYY-MM-DD):2023-08-19

Round Number: 45434

Rules Broken (if relevant):

Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant): Impartiality and transparency, Punishment applied

Incident Description:
Round starts normally with Rain Sho and Joe whatever (both of them shit people but not relevant to this report). They refuse to work with me and instead stay on the station, during which they talk to the QM and try to get me demoted (no interaction yet mind you). They then accuse me of not doing my job (I brought a bunch of ores and then started killing mega fauna), themselves not even having entered lavaland at that point. They only come after robo build several mechs (I wonder where those mats came from). QM believes them for some god damn reason and wants me demoted. I become hostile IC because obviously, dick co workers trying to get me demoted out of spite and with no reason.

This is where the admin comes in. I ahelp him to deal with the meta grudging and random demotion. He tells me it is an IC issue for some reason because they arent doing it because of a previous round ?!?
So you are telling me, them being hostile from the start, with 0 interaction because they remember me is NOT grudging because of a previous round? Like what, if being a douchebag from the start, trying to demote someone who you haven’t interacted with isnt meta grudging then what is?

I also hard disagree with the ban, I was getting hostile because of obvious reasons, I tried to get the captain and lawyer involved to deal with it Ic, they ignore me. The reason for the ban is because after all the time with the admin refusing to deal with it, the command chain refusing to do shit and them constantly harassing me children I said “I dont care about your dog shit opinion you shitty griefer” which is a rulebreak for saying the word GRIEFER, not a 3 day ban mind you. I am pretty sure its not even a ban at all and just a note instead. You could say I broke the “Be excellent to each other rule” but I dont believe this rule applies when you get constantly harassed, like do you expect me to be nice to them?

Granted I dont even see the point of the report because I am pretty sure you just gonna wait more than 3 days on purpose, meaning it will have no influence on the ban duration

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This would be where you’d want to file a ban appeal. Also, no, we won’t wait intentionally, but staff reports are lengthy to process.

But I don’t think to appeal it? Instead I am saying he is in the wrong and that punishment has no merit. Also sorry if I am a bit heated in the report, I have been constantly insulted and it soured my mood greatly.

There’s nothing stopping you from opening both an appeal and a staff report. If you want to potentially get the ban reduced or removed then a ban appeal would be the better way to go about that. If you want to file a complaint, that’s what the staff reports are for.

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Might be irrelevant. Remove if desired.

One of the two Roboticists here. The two other miners were a bit upset with you from the start of the shift as you left the shuttle immediately when Rain wanted to set up a beacon thingy. This along with other interactions caused quite the stir. However, this wasn’t the issue. The issue was removing the resources after you deposited out of spite for your coworkers, which mostly affected me and less so for your coworkers.

Robotics can almost always make one Firefighter Ripley without any materials from Mining, but it does help.

I believe you removed all the iron and glass from the ore silo, two times at that. That’s when I ahelped as it is either very lowly antagonist behaviour or self-antagging.

Meta grudging would suggest we know who you are, that round was my only interaction with you and not a good one at that.

The three day ban I believe is a combined judgement of several things that you have shown throughout the round, the interaction with the admin, the folks you interacted with and the actions you took.

It has been like 24 hours since that round, hasn’t it? Have you been upset for that long? You need to cooldown.

Wrong round, I would delete. But this is the round of which they are grudging me from (ban happened an hour ago)

This isn’t the round where the QM, Captain, HoS, and myself showed up to Cargo when you dumped all our iron and glass into disposals? On Corg Station.

Like I told you no, you weren’t even in it I think. A different admin dealt with that one so it’s not really relevant to this report


Alrighty. Now the person who opened the report has already been permabanned for toxicity, but in general that doesn’t affect the outcome of admin reports.

There were two points I looked at when investigating this report:

  • The handling of the ticket, related to impartiality.
  • The marking of the ticket as IC.

The first point is rather simple. I definitely don’t think zoom acted with any grudge or bias in mind there. Players often think we remember tickets a lot better than we actually do.

Regarding the ticket, I feel like a lot of what happened here is the fault of both sides. You aren’t as innocent as you make it sound. You killed hiero within the first 6 minutes of the round. You focused on the fauna and not on the mining. Which obviously doesn’t make your fellow cargo workers happy.

What ensued is a back and forth and while it went a bit out of hand, this definitely came from both sides and did not go overboard. I don’t see anything wrong with zoom marking your ahelp as an IC issue.

Thank you for the report nonetheless though.