Admin Complant on Trialmin (Ticomanel)

Stop replying. Admin discretion is final for the round. Jack went against discretion and is in the wrong. Yheres literally no case here

I was in a round yesterday or the day before where they just spawned a singulo on top of the grav gen about 15 minutes into a low pop ling round, where no one was dead.

they gave about 30 seconds for the crew to react to a invisble ninja in the grav gen that killed 5 people (including me and another ling) then spawned a round ending level 6 singulo right in the centre of the station.

I thought it was a really shitty event because I was actually wrapped in a fun narrative, I was playing atmo tech and two engineers where lings, I had killed one and was aiding a co-worker in getting the last when…zap

round over god spawned singulo

dont do this


bruh, this man is a rare breed of total shitters, but he deserves a token :flushed:


I dont think trials can spawn singulos man. I might be wrong but my gut says they can’t do that stuff

Honestly this rulling is stupid and gives admin too much leeway. It needs to be precised to eliminate situations like this.

Shut up пigga i was there when it happened, the only jannie online was tico

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trialmins can spawn singulo, tesla and nar`sie poopoo ass headass niggа

t. former trialmin

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Yeah, altough I haven’t tried it yet, pretty sure we can spawn anything.

Yeah, Game Panel allows you to spawn lotta shit that can fuck w/the round.

Like Todd’sie.

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The magic of modify-transform is probably the best feature for VV if you want to do non-invasive adminbus. Unless you do 100x 100y… (you can make big pizzas, small corgis, distort things to make the honkier.

Well I think we don’t have access to EVERYTHING in VV, transform might be one of these.

Unless Bee has pulled a smart move and restricted it, usually if you have something as a whole enabled for your admin-rank, all of it is enabled. At least from what I can see in da code. And experience downstream.

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You HAVE access to VV and it’s not restricted at all.

That’s why first thing that the admins do is tell you don’t fuck with VV unless you know what’ya doing

Or well
I assume an admin told you that, right?

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VV is literally the basis of all adminbus. Want to make a banana peel do 600 damage? Go head, its only a click of 3 buttons

Ultimate edit: Yes I was told and I know about things that affect the round, yet there are bugs with VV when you are trialmin.

This is what I wanted to say.

Theres only a few variables in VV that trialmins can mess with, the others require DEBUG+

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It seems like most of them bugged out to me.

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