Add wounds from TG

Yes, I know. Bee HATES the way /tg/ nerfed med. But one of the reasons heavy injuries have almost no weight on this server is because you can just take a sip from your trusty bottle of tricordrazine and quickly recover from any injury without going to medbay, which also means the doctors there don’t get to do their job.

/tg/ wounds add a lot of depth to medbay and general gameplay. Ghetto surgery suddenly becomes useful, because you can’t just go to med with your brain leaking out of your broken skull if you have a bloody glowing halo floating above your head.
I don’t miss much from /tg/, but I do miss the depth, fun, and RP potential of their wound system.


Port paradise station wounds and their cardiac arrest on crit.

Not to mention the fact that even if you do go to medbay chances are whatever injury you’ve sustained can be fixed rapidly through a sleeper (especially if it’s upgraded). Cloning also trivializes the revival of even severely damaged corpses.
Medical feels fairly shallow in it’s current state although I doubt that’s going to change any time soon unfortunately.


actual problem: chem and cloner make doctors obsolete.

your solution: hurt people more

please tell me you see the issue. especially when the chemist has nothing stopping them from just doing the doctor’s job.

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Yeah, I think adding more depth to injuries instead of removing content is the right thing to do.
I’ve played with /tg/ wounds and it’s great fun.
The reason the chemist can currently do the doctor’s job, is because the current injury system is literally just an HP bar you can restore with chems from the chemist.

It’s amazing how every single problem with the entirety of the medical gameplay somehow leads back to the cloner and/or the sleeper.

tg wounds kinda suck, try like, any other servers wounds system

Most crew do not have access to these or similar meds, at least not until mid/late shift.

This is purely a salty doctor main whining about chemists and sleepers

Small note:
90u of Tricordrazine is only 9 button presses away on a chem dispenser and can be made at the start of the shift.

Tricordrazine takes about 20 seconds to make at the chem dispenser, and every med vendor has one bottle of it in stock.
10 nitrogen, 25 silicon, 10 potassium, 25 carbon, 10 oxygen, 10 sugar. Not really an end-game chem.

I would love to have more complex medical with wounds and without sleepers and cloner. However players have gotten addicted to their cruches and will aggresively oppose any attempts to make medical more complex and fun jumping at anyone who tries throat.

Another issue with medical i would like to point out is medbay often gets very few patients at all. Whole game is designed around antagonists causing chaos and murder creating work for the crew members and challenging them to survive yet our rules mandate that most antagonists should avoid driving the round and instead quietly ruin the round of a single player and steal something hardly anybody cares about. Is antagonist going on rampage only fun for the antagonist like many say ? Not at all! its exactly the opposite, antagonists must cause death and destruction in order drive the round and not make other players bored to death. In short rules forbid that medbay has patients


They don’t need it, anyone can patch them up in seconds with a sleeper or medkits, which are littered around and easily attainable, wich remove your need of ever going to medical, leaving doctors with only reviving people as a task which is mind numbingly repetitive or done with a few clicks at the cloner.

Good thing it’s the maintainers who decided what gets in and what doesn’t then

I unironically want /TG/ wounds in Bee

You tried to directly deal with an armed traitor and got weeping avulsion? Your fault, head to medbay now if you manage to live long enough, dummy


TG Wounds are a good start, but they’re not really going to solve much.

especially since they allow you to solve most of them with the magic heal tubes

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It’s worth trying out to see if folks like it. I agree that medical gameplay gets very stale unless we do gimmicks.

Beecode is really all I’ve ever done for medical, so I wanna ask:

  • Do you feel this would still be doable for roles where NPC combat is frequent, such as miner and explorer?

  • Can you succumb to your wounds or are they just like debuffs?

I do like he idea on paper. It’s a lot more harsh on security who tend to revive and jump right back in to conflicts as though nothing happened (to detriment of gimmick antags).

I can’t say how tg wounds ended up affecting miners or sec, but tg wounds can be fatal at their most severe and lighter, non-critical wounds can get infected, which can become life-threatening. So yes, tg wounds are pretty significant, not even including the various debuffs that each variant gives you. I admit I haven’t played tg in a yonk and haven’t really experienced their wounds system in-game, but as far as I understand, their addition hasn’t brutally crippled sec or mining like you seem to fear.

I welcome the addition of wounds, personally. I’ve played on code bases with similar mechanics, and it does a lot for spicing up the routine of medical. For what experience I do have, I haven’t seen many situations where serious wounds made a significant difference between life and death. If you get mauled by maint monster or a tot, haemorrhaging is just another point on the laundry list of things you need fixed once you get dragged into med.


Just add the ability to stand up when you’re in crit and walk away (from the game)