Add bubble tea


Does it feed you?

No sense in expanding on something so small. It would just be fluff for the sake of fluff.

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But it should give nutrition.

Why would it give nutrition? There is only one drink that does that and it’s kinda its entire gimmick. A couple tapioca pearls shouldn’t give you nutrition

No theres not only one.

List of nutrition drinks the bartender can make:

Hard Cider
Potato Juice
Banana Honk
All 7 shakes
Chocolate Pudding
Driest Martini
Gibb Float
Pumpkin Latte
Squirt Cider
Sugar Rush
Vanilla Pudding

Now why would it give Nutrition?
I explained.

"This is for people who don’t like snack food to drink it for food when there isn’t a cook.

And also for all the white bitches to get fat!"

Junk food is only suitable for humans. All species can have a drink and be fed.

To be honest I don’t see why a bubble tea would give you nutriment, nothing in the vendor where it’s located gives feeds you

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exactly my point. Given how junk food just got nerfed to giga hell. All sugary drinks give you nutriment.

Very disingenuous, junk food is now just a delayed net 0 to nutrition. 1u of maltodextrin nullifies 1u of nutriment after five minutes. It was added to junk food in amounts to balance out the nutrition gain from the nutriment in the food, exceptions being donuts and donk pockets which are now a net negative due to their healing.

Which nerfs junk food. Although junk food was already shit because I cant eat it without barfing.

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I’m not going to make it feed you, if you want to figure it out once its merged go ahead

Then its no other different than other drinks. Except other drinks have an effect. So its just water

Merged! Enjoy your Bubble tea in all coffee vendors

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