Add a white banner

Add a white banner for situations where you want to clearly show to opposing force that you are surrendering or come to have peaceful talks.

Recipe should be easy to craft like 2 cloth + iron rod.


Why just white? you should be able to colour it any colour you want


More so to have a distinctive “I surrender flag”.


YES! The white flag of truce would be wonderful to have. Could have either the cloth recipe or perhaps for more easier to find materials, paper and an iron rod.

If its white you’ll be able to spray paint it to turn it any color yeh want, heheh.

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If there is a flag already that works how you imagine this to work then I can be done easily!

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I think we just need a sprite for it.

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Whats the item to be used as base?

Any other similar banner. (Cargonia, meditopia)

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If you want do do it I can help you

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