Incident Description: Context: I had a clown car and was doing various minor stuff with it agaisnt people, the worst thing I did was showing people the armory I painted with colorful reagent and then scooping Sandy over and over having fun with her, until she said she was feeling kinda bad so I cured here and I let her go to not bother her too much. No one complained about it on comms except warden saying “CLOWN CAR!!” and that’s it. Even more important to know, I had AA and was the acting clownptain, and I was doing more or less my captain job, not griefing the station too much and just wandering in general.
Enter Keerasa-Jei. Miner, traitor and backstabber. They went to chemistry and made a EMP grenade with no prior interaction with me. When they saw me, the shoo’d me, and I said “bow”. I knew he had a grenade for me because of the sprite, and basically there was some sort of a short fight between us. He threw grenade and I scooped him and managed to not get hit by it. After that, the make a complain about clowns in comms and go completely silent. I try talking to them a couple times, telling them that if they said sorry I would let them go free. Nothing. Dropped them to check if they were dead or something. Nope, they standed back. At one point their character sprite moved after dropping them again and letting them stand back. Thats when I knew they were right there. Behind the screen, at the keyboard, refusing to interact with me. I went to the teleporter and sentthem into lavaland by dropping them out of the clown car. After that, inmediate message on comms about clowns again. This all sounds like OOC IC salt towards not only the clown but also me as a player (more information about that in Additional Information). If getting caught by security and inmediatly dropping all RP is bad, then it’s the exact same thing for when an antag does it to you. Also, that EMP towards me really sounds like something OOC and not IC too.
Additional Information: They said this on OOC, which is what made me decide to write this report because it looks like they made everything based on me the player and my character
cute, well I’ll give my side and let this sit. I was in chem originally to make chloral hydrate to knock out my target but I saw you go flying by in a clown car and decided to make an EMP to see if that would immobilize the car. I didn’t much want to get scooped up during my own things. I would like to remind you that traitors don’t have to work together and just because two people are traitors does not mean they are allies.
after you picked me up I did make the comment about clowns, then I tabbed into another tab to try and learn more about clown cars, sorry I didn’t lean over and bow down to your every request, I wanted to learn if there was any way to deal with it, I tab back in after hearing the eject noise and see I’m on the floor, turn, get scooped up and tab back to resume my learning.
I’m sorry you believe my IC actions were driven my OOC motivation, they weren’t, they were driven by me wanting to learn more about it, which I suppose could be argued to be OOC.
As for the OOC comment yes I won’t deny that, that was me salting in Dchat very much as from what I see of you every round, traitor or not, you make your sole purpose in the round to make things more insufferable for all the players, tiding wherever you want then getting shitty with players if they call you out. I have never once had a single positive interaction with you and I was salting.
Well I can certainly believe that. I hope that you do understand that from my perspective it looked like you were avoiding RPing with me and that this is is a missunderstanding.
A shame that that’s the only thing you’ve seen from me. If it has anything to do with the last couple of days, I’ve rolled tot like 4-5 times in a row now. I am usually MUCH calmer when I’m not an antag and I rarely do anything more than slipping and lubing security if I’m doing a little bit of trolling shittery, and I have tons of non prank related gimmicks done, and I don’t aim to ruin anyone’s round (unless you’ve been a super duper asshole to me I won’t come after you). In fact, as an antag, I try to avoid ruinnings people round permanently, cuz I feel bad, so I don’t do it as non antag either. As an example,the other day I ended up doing manslaughter oh the HoS by accident after being chased for 25 minutes or so and I gave myself in and served time because that was too much and I’m not that big of a shitter. Hopefully you can someday stumble upon one of my fun gimmicks and wash this image of me just wanting to fuck over other people rounds. Later today or tomorrow I plan to do a Quiz Game Show that I’ve been wanting to do for the last couple of days but I keep rolling tot. Hope I can see you there, or at any other fun event.