Absolute Crapola tier ideas thread

:joker:. it ran on my “special” version of Beecode

I must have this now. Give it to me Kapu!

I dunno bro, it was kinda just nrp. As In Negative Role Play. Poor kapu kept getting yelled at for admin bus

I make myself liable to adminbus on a daily basis so i am perfectly find with this. Isnt advertising other servers against the rules though?

Bee was down due to maintenance so I hosted Golden 3.

Is it really Golden 3 if there isnt a Golden 2? (Oasis doesnt count.)


How the fuck have you not heard of golden 2? It’s literally more played than Golden. Franc hosts it

I kinda know what it is…but idk where to play it. If its Discord related i dont know anything about it and cant access it. Since its (Apparently.) not on the hub. I need the direct link.

this is the codebase Golden 3 runs


Ok so can you explain how i can play Golden 2? Just DM me so we can stop peanutting.

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golden 2 is real?
can I be DM’d with the info too if it’s actually based

tell me too

actually if circuits are gone there don’t

Baycode has circuits. Including circuit clothing i believe.


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this thread is now a golden 2 thread


you Start with every terrible quirk in the game, no positive quirks

also, it takes time to put on jumpsuits, gloves, hats, sunglasses, also you can wear shoes with only 1 foot, at a cost, shoes are no longer bound in pairs, alt click to separate, so you can wear a jack boot on your left foot and a wooden sandal on your right


runtime is secretly made of changeling DNA, and can emit a response renossant meow when attacked, making your ears non functional


Pete eats all plant matter instantly, including Pod people.

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