About the current sec situation

My first ever sec round i had a really fun time RPing with a traitor using thr gimmick of Bee-Man, absolute blast

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It’s more of a “why is this person wordlessly touching me with a dangerious material that has teleportation properties? I better alert security or RD”
(It’s called chilling blue space extract but looks green)

And then that scientist gets salty, throws insults LOOC and goes catatonic like some griefer that got caught when RD with security arrests them.

The solution as always is to remove xenobio


And before anyways say this, yes you can resist out of that teleportation effect, but not many people know this.

People on sage don’t even know how to resist from hard grab or locker


Clearly we need to remove exploration.


No shit. If your antag gimmick includes crime then expect to get arrested for it.


I think people need to realize that the less freedom you have in the game the less fun you have.


I do find it hypocritical that people in this thread are lambasting antags for round removing sec and not RPing while whenever an antag does attempt to RP, security power and metagames the hell out of the situation to whack the valid and not actually RP.

Here’s some anecdotal evidence, on numerous occasions when I have been head of security there has been a hostage situation where someone has a maxcap/minibombs ready to blow someone up if they don’t get their demands. EVERY SINGLE TIME it happens, the security players don’t RP the situation even though I, as their boss, am ordering them to stand down and not rush into the situation and get an innocent killed just because they won’t hand over something they know from metaknowledge is an antag objective.

I’ll usually stun the troublemakers and chuck them in a security outpost for a second without an ID while I continue to deal with the situation and you will not believe the salt I have gotten for this. Salt just for preventing “whack the valid” and no RP combat.

When I ask them why they were not following orders and why they were about to be responsible for an innocent crewmember getting gibbed, they usually say one of three things:

  1. We can just clone their brain so it doesn’t matter if they die.
  2. They are a traitor, they want a traitor objective item and we can’t give them those.
  3. They are bad.

Which of these answers have RP.

I’ll ask a question for everyone else on the thread. How many times has an antagonist improved your round as a non-antagonist? How many times has security improved your round as a non-sec/antagonist?


I’ve been arrested while doing an antag gimmick for the horrific crime of having a red duffle bag (not even the suspicious syndie one, mind you, it was a chamelon bag disguised as a sec surgical bag) while dressed up as a CentCom Maid ERT.

I was wordlessly shot down with a disabler and arrested by a seccie who was displaying an assistant ID, and dressed up as a chicken, a literal plainclothes police officer, because I didn’t “stop for a sec officer” which I never could of known in the first place.

All of security were able to sniff out that I had chameleon gear and agent ID just from looking at me, whereas the CentComm agents that were on station (we were testing out the new AI upload code PR) believed my ID was legit, as they thought the Captain was threating them with a Maid Cleaning Specialist when he handed the ID over to them.

It feels like a majority of Sec player hate harmless gimmicks, even if you don’t break any laws on a non-meta note.


“I’ve been arrested for owning contraband”
How tragic. I cried out a tear for you.


Security is fine to just arrest what appear to be CentCom ERT agents then? That seems a little out of line. Or do they just “know” I’m not a legitimate ERT and can arrest me on the spot because there wasn’t any announcement accompanying my arrival on station? That feels a bit meta-knowledgey if you ask me.


what do you expect from sec. the department that opens the armory because they saw a teratoma in maintenance therefore a changeling must be onboard therefore there is a swarm of changelings therefore arm thyself as if its NUKIES

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Honestly, I don’t think disabling changelings is very effective. But everything else is just… yeah.

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The pro strat for changelings is literally table the shit out of them because that ignores their adrenaline, and throw cuffs on them so they head spider while you beat them to death.


Adding to notes for Robustness purposes.

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lings are like THE MOST meta’d antag of them all
its so sad… they are so bad not of their own fault but of sec’s overwhelming force

ive seen an officer run with a pair of disablrers to stun a ling. then he would whip out 2 laser guns and instantly husk the ling. then proceed with the sec standard protocol of wielding the body in a locker and gibbing it under a shuttle. and yes he had a backup shotgun

ive seen a pair of officers. one with a shotgun and the other with a chainsaw. shotgunner would lob bollas at the lings and shoot and the chainsawer would cut their legs off.

i have seen sec look at people’s backpacks… if yours is not of your own department they would search you.

sec still try and do preform ling tests even tho they have been BANNED by admins i have seen them try to do so several times

just to rub in the point prior to the removal of xray and mindread sec wold get them and mindread/xraysearchmaint to find who’s a ling

sec arming their people with every gun imaginable isnt even worth pointing out anymore

if lings are ever discovered medical is obligated to imdietly remove all bodies off the face of the staiton. makilg last resort a delayed siuicide… oh did i foget to mention if you manage to get a body in medical… medical can see your egg and take it out. killing you


well trying to get a bit back on the topic. the main issue we are experiencing here is about as old as beestation itself… no one cared much when we where LRP tho

the infamous nucklear armsrase deathspiral of sec vs antag consiting of 4 parties
chillsec shitsec
calmantag and murderantag

shit sec and murdertag have been on each other’s trhoats forever with no regards for collateral damage
a shitsec will instantly detain any whiff of valid even if they are trying some gimicky thing that may or may not even be a crime cuz valid. as mentioned with many examples above
murderantag will wordlessly kill/massmurder any sec team even if the officers arent psychotical megalomaniacs that will instantly shoot the valid

from then on the chillsec and calmantag’s experience has been soured trough repeated bad experience of this event over and over again.
in the end they either leave the spiral or become the thing that fuels it

why do literally anthing than optimal murderplans if sec uses any nonoptimal murderplans as an opening to CRUSH THE VALID
why do literally anthing than optimailly crushing the valid if not doing so risks your department getting nuked or xenobio’d

HOWEVER this is not totaly balanced and one party IS more guilty than the other
an antag doing antag gimicks with validsec on board. is suicide

chillsec being lenient to antags (as long as they are not botanists or xenobio)
is NOT the end of the wold.

sec has an entire station to support them antags have nothing but 20tc
even getting their department blown is not totaly the end they just loose the ability to detain people

i see people demanding antags be held to account to the be nice rule but this is a two way street
antags cant be nice AND do something antagonistic to push the shift foward if sec isnt held to a standard of not instantly gunning down the valid.

alas without rule changes it will never come to pass. the root cause the shitsec and the murderantag wont ceace even if the spiral of sec vs antag is lessened

however rule changes cant be applied untill an enviroment that will allow players to not be stuck between. (dont be to mean to sec/antags. while the sec/antags in question beat you to death)


I agree with most of what you said but there are some problems:

But how do you roleplay a lenient sec? I guess its about sec fucking checking everyone who doesn’t look like perfect crewmember, and I get that, but like there are antags who get very special treatment and are let out after 10/15 minutes, and there are ones that get shot and cremated the instant they are found. Lings and tots are usually spawned in similar quantities, we should make dealing with them equal too to ensure rounds are not fucking snoozefests.

Lings are OP, so I get the arming up part, but why the fuck do we not have an option to render them harmless? We already do implant tots with tracking implants and stuff, why can’t we have something that works against lings while also preventing them from easily removing it?

This is only partially true, some crewmembers will not support sec and most can’t support them in a meaningful way due to rules that force you to roleplay a coward (most people ignore that because of lack of admins, but those that want to follow rules are forced to be cowards regardless of the situation).


oh the HORRORS!!

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Yes, it’s really fucking cringe if sec searches you because you forgot to switch backpak lmao

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I don’t really see a issue with sec searching someone with a different backpack (example security or suspicious bag) if they have a good reason like reports of break in or theft, TBH.

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