Abductor player report

In-game report:

CKEY: Miriamhorn

Your Discord: Hardly

Offender’s CKEY: Legolas13, Carolj was the scientist but they were whatever.

Offender’s In-Game Name: Either one of the abductors

Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2024-11-22

Round Number: 50739

Rules Broken: Antag conduct

Incident Description: One of the abductors MIGHT have sabotaged the SM by unwrenching the pipes and welding the doors, resulting in a delam. I stand corrected, Apparently they yoinked an engineer that was in the middle of doing it which, needless to say, shit happens.
They also looted people’s bags, belts and IDs for no reason.
Also LOOC salt.
And uhh, this.

Additional Information: For any serverops or relevant roles, this round was a massive slideshow for some reason.

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Will look into this later, but Legolas13 has been yeeted in the meantime.

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On that case, it might be fine to close the report. I think that Carolj might actually be fine here since Legolas13 was pretty much the culprit who kind of admitted to be behind the stripping in OOC. Their ckey were included since they were the scientist and I was unsure on who had done it.

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Got it, closing upon request then. Thanks for the report anyhow!

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