After like, two years of being on bee I finally realized I never made one of these, so after a bet with a certain other person… Hi, I’m Xeon. I play Aaron Marthin, Rigel JC, Aphasia, Titanium I, Volans Strix, PSHR-001 and Barry Snapdragon.
(I would place any images of my characters here, if I had any…)
Aaron is a amazing charater, always responsive to the environment around him, even if it is minor, he’s willing to play out almost any situation with words (even if he could easily win), and lasty, Aaron has depth, he has quirks, opinions, and traits that make him unique, he isn’t 2D, or bland, but he isn’t overly complex, he is just a officer, and a great one at that
In other words, you playyed Aaron amazingly, and for your other characters…who?