It seems that Some of us don’t really understand THE BEEStaTION RULES in their infinite complexity and expectations of perfection!! Now I would suggest just READING the rules (Rules - BeeStation Wiki), but clearly that is too difficult.
How do I, Walter White, avoid getting busted for cooking LRP in my meth lab!?
Well boy have I got the guide for you! Here is a short, practical guide to not getting banned! As an expert in not getting banned, I believe I am extremely qualified in this problem. Through this guide, you can even be free from the tyranny that is a NOTE!! The horror!!!
Step 1. ROLEPLAY!!
(R1 Roleplay)
Oh god. Oh shit. What’s a roleplay!? How do I roleplay!?!!?!?
OK So you made the mistake of joining a roleplay server without knowing what roleplay is or how to do it. So let’s borrow from everyone’s favorite actual roleplaying game, Dungeons and Dragons.
How do you start roleplaying in Dungeons and Dragons!? Make a character sheet!
So for BeeStation, MAKE A CHARACTER SHEET! Just actually write down some stuff about a character. Seriously. Write it down!! You can start really simple with one or two traits like “complete hardass” or “loves helping people” and create a background from there. Maybe your helper was once stranded on a barren planet for a few days and from then on never wanted a mistake like that to happen again. Make something wild, but make sure it fits in the theme of Space Station 13.
Now all you have to do is actually play a big game of pretend, what would this character do in EVERY situation that they are faced with. Remove yourself from the equation. Act like a space station person at a normal plain old shift of their job… then… TRAGEDY STRIKES!? How does your character react to traumatic situations… novel… scary, even!? THINK OF THIS BEFORE YOU PLAY. Suit your character to your playstyle.
Step 2. Quit powergaming!
(R1 Roleplay, R2 No Powergaming)
With that character sheet, you can make some skill sets. What is your character good at? This varies based on jobs you select, and you can even develop different versions of your character based on your job. If you can justify why your character knows something, you can do it! Maybe your character is a medical doctor but always had an interest in biomedical engineering, so you’ve got some basic tool or hacking proficiency. Just don’t try to be a jack-of-all-trades or you’re making things unrealistic. Your character shouldn’t be so exceptional that you might as well just be you, the player.
Once you start roleplaying, quitting powergaming is really easy! Sometimes, you will HAVE to play dumb. Sometimes, you will not grab (insert X tool) because your character has no fucking clue what happens in a typical space station 13 round. They are BUSINESS AS USUAL.
Step 3. No killy the antag (if you are non sec)
(R1 Roleplay, R2 No Powergaming)
Your character can’t be a damn fighting machine, they’re a station-employed bartender/doctor/cargo tech/other! Not a security officer! You might be able to throw some shoves but RUN dammit! You should be afraid of the guy with the sword!! Now you the PLAYER might have some big funny strat for killy the antag but that’s no fun if some random bartender manages to killy the antag who is trying to kill him! Resist, but don’t eliminate!!
Step 4. Quit metagaming!
(R1 Roleplay, R14 Metagaming)
This also comes with roleplay. Once you roleplay, metagaming is impossible! Your character has no clue what a blue APC means, unless they’re the captain or security. Revanant? Nah. Purple fucking ghost. Blob? Nah, SCARY FLESHY MASS THING IN MAINTS!!!
This also means your character ain’t fuckin know anything outside what they physically saw with their ingame eyes. No ghost knowledge, no goofy ahh exploit knowledge. Just what they realistically would be able to infer and see. THINK LIKE A CHARACTER, NOT A PLAYER!!
Step 5. Don’t be a little bitch boy
(R7, Be Excellent to Each Other)
Some asshole killed you!!! In fact, he did it very meanly!! What will you do!? Suck it up!!! You die sometimes!! Don’t salt in dchat, don’t rage at them in OOC.
Some fool is bad at their job!? Ignoring you? Hell, arrests you? Don’t salt in LOOC! Suck it up! React in character and get them demoted! They shall face IC consequences for their tomfoolery!
Step 6. Consider other players
(R7, Be Excellent to Each Other, R13 Antagonist Conduct)
Now, sometimes, when a round is going long, or it’s lowpop and you’ve rolled antag, there’s no security. What are you gonna do!? Consider other players!! What is fun for YOU and what is fun for everyone?
Now, it may be fun to YOU to blow up the whole station until nothing functions and assume the captaincy, but on lowpop NO ONE has the capacity to deal with that. So consider other players when you do your antag antics. Make something fun for everyone. Make something that other players can engage with, and be scared of, or be subject to. Maybe abduct an entire department one by one, forcing them to fight to the death - or slow down your promptness to murder someone, and chase them through maintenance before eventually whittling them down, dragging their body through the halls. When you’re discovered, flee, and quickly! Give security room to engage with you!
Your objectives are not the end-all-be-all of antag gameplay. Fun and engagement is. Your objectives INSPIRE what you can do, and the new soft-tracked objectives give you even more room to do so.
And likewise, security, give antags room to escape! If you’re always a perfect player, catching and permaing every antag, you’re making the antag-security dynamic less fun and things more boring for yourself.
Sometimes, as an antag, you think it might be fun to plasmaflood, which is why we have murderbone. Know what murderbone is and when it is allowed. Murderbone antags can be fun, but only when there is a sufficient security force to counteract it, as it creates a back-and-forth power dynamic.
Step 7. No sex
No sex
(R6 No ERP)
Step 8. Be nice to the admemes
(R4 Ticket Conduct, R7 Be Excellent To Each Other)
Now, you may think that getting the bwoink is a free invitation to vent your frustrations with BeeStation rules, but in reality admins probably care 100x more about the rules than you do, and have read them way more than you have. That’s not to say they’re always right, but they did actually put in a lot of work to get to their funny position of power over you. And insinuating that you know better might make them less inclined to be nice to you. So be respectful, say “OK, yeah, I see what you mean” and come to an understanding together of what went wrong.
If you read the rules more and are pretty sure they are wrong, you might be able to respectfully bring it up, but at the end of the day you’re gonna have to make an Admin Report if you truly believe that. Which sucks, but it’s the easiest way to get an admin’s thinking reviewed by another admin.
Contrary to popular belief admins are not there to remove fun, but to try and maximize fun. Sometimes, your actions can be anti-fun or produce the wrong type of fun for the server, which is not roleplaying. Powergaming and metagaming are just extensions of roleplay. Seriously. It’s all just roleplay.
Step 9. Play your side, do your job
(R1 Roleplay, R3 Do Your Job, R8 Do Not Grief, R9 Do Not Self-Antag)
If you’re not an antagonist, don’t be evil, don’t do murder, and don’t do high-tier crime. It’s that simple. Write your characters with this in mind. Don’t grief. Don’t knowingly help antags. Don’t try to get yourself converted (against your character’s will, mind you). Basically. Roleplay as a person who is believably loyal to their side and would not try to sow chaos.
If you’re not a specific job, don’t do that job without authorization or the character skills to do so. If you’re trying to fill spots on lowpop, fine, but if you’re breaking into kitchen because the chef didn’t cook anything, go through official channels first. Say you have some home cooking experience. Do what you were meant to do, and do it well!
Step 10. Know the Space Laws and SoP
(R1 Roleplay, R3 Do Your Job)
If you’re doing ANY job, this are MUST HAVES for roleplay. Space Law serves as an IC set of rules to follow and a good example of what is NOT okay to do as a non-antag - minor crimes are OK sometimes but the rest of the crimes are essentially what NOT to do, ever.
SoP, or Standard Operating Procedures tell you how to do your job properly. Nanotrasen wouldn’t hire such an incompetent fuck as you, who doesn’t know an OUNCE of the SoP! So use it! Reference it on the job! ROLEPLAY!!
Step 11. Misc
(R15, R11, R5, R3, R10, R4, R1)
- Cryo. Ahelp when you cryo if you are the AI or any command position.
- Don’t cryo just because you are not antag (antag-rolling) or try to min-max getting antag. You have to play as non antag sometimes.
- Don’t tell players info you gained while dead or as a ghost
- Don’t avoid doing your job, abandon your job, etc. unless you are an antagonist
- Don’t ban evade or use multiple CKEYs
- Don’t advertise
- Be 18+
- Don’t leave during an admin ticket
- Don’t lie in tickets
- As an assistant, actually roleplay as someone who assists people. Please.
- No saying “LOL” ic, you goofball. No one actually says that out loud.
- Follow the tyrannical NAMING GUIDELINES. God forbid Walter White join our midst… MY IMMERSHUN Naming Guidelines - BeeStation Wiki
- No talkin about fake 2023-era concepts IC. What the fuck is an iPhone bro. What’s an admin. What admins.
Step 12. AHELP!!
(Rule I made it the fuck up but it’s pretty cool)
Yeah you dummy, practice being an admin, be the snitch who reports everyone! Now you know what NOT to do! Keep doin it until you know everything NOT to do!
Don’t know if you’re NOT supposed to do something… AHELP!! Mr admin am I allowed to kill everyone? No? OK!! Time to NOT kill everyone!!!