A few questions about the new security escalations

So the above is understandable but also not. The instances when security and Captain are protected makes sense and I respect them but I have a few questions about the instances where they are not protected.

(You steal an assistant’s toolbelt after a fight and security starts shooting you with lethals)

So does this mean in ANY situation where immediate execution is not warranted you can attack back with lethals? Like a security officer lasering you for resisting arrest or the Captain attacking you with his saber with the intent to delimb or kill for breaking into bridge? Of course a security officer arresting you after raiding armory is okay but is it ok for them to lethal you for stealing one of their lockers?

So is it Major/Capital crimes or only Capital crimes?
I recommended to Ruko that we raise the acceptable standards for killing security officers and its finally being done but I do not understand it fully it.

Yesterday me and a few greytiders earned the right to keep our AA when we told the HoS we would protect the traitor chaplain who had an incursion on them. They told us we can only use the security LOBBY of the brig and we were not allowed anywhere else. I walked into the Warden’s office (WITHOUT THE INTENT TO GO INTO ARMORY) which was open and was bolt open purposely so SECURITY officers can come through, they started lasering me and I had the chance to kill them when I slipped one but I decided not to since I do not know the rules. The same round one of my greytider buddies pranked security by firing Tesla gun rounds at them and they lasered me even though I didn’t do anything once again I decided not to lethal back, was I valid to kill them or did I do the right thing by letting them crit/kill me?

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Ideally just don’t engage in fights. There’s no resource on the station that’s limited enough it’s worth fighting over.

p. s. just because someone’s an asshole doesn’t mean they’re valid

That’s not how it goes in LRP

Used to be. Before the hippiestation exodus.

He (she?) speaks of the beforetimes!

Hippie was the true containment server for all the worst shitters that nobody wanted.

No it was not. It was only bad because we did not enforce the rules the way they were supposed to. We had a spree of bad admins back in 2017. They used regular bans for stupid shit when we had Catbans (you could stay play but you would be a cat which would be valid to EVERYONE and you couldn’t attack back or be saved by anyone). This discouraged players to play and started our downfall

We had good coders the best one would be Arclumin who died in a car crash sadly. And Karma, which you already know was a DDoser but VERY good at coding. They’re the only reason Hippie lasted that long but GMs started to became inactive along with admins and we died. The players were shit but weren’t the reason it died.

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