Zookzacoons Mentor Application

Your CKEY: Zookzacoon

Your Discord: Crymson#3564

How long have you been playing ss13?: A Year

Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?: Nobody because everyone knows me as “That guy who stabs people for stealing their toolboxes”

Game Experience (More Detailed): I know how to perform a surgery without looking at the guides or console, and I’m a relatively good security player, except all those times I dabbed on clowns.

-2 prove you can stay unbanned before applying again.

You’re cringe and bluepilled and I’m based and redpilled you beta cuck

He’s unbanned now

Jannies suck

Gonna have to go with a -2 myself for now - you only have 38 hours and haven’t connected for months. You’ve also got to prove you’re a good member of the community and not just going to get banned again too.

I counter with I only play Ss13 while intoxicated in some form and I haven’t connected because B A N N E D

Doesn’t really change the fact you’re both inexperienced on the server and out of touch with seven months of updates

I’ve been following the changelogs relatively often

-2 You were only recently unbanned, if you can play the server and build up playtime I’d possibly change my vote.

I concur with everyone above. I am more strict than others on mentors as well, since they are staff that serve as mentors on a server meant for beginners.


T: -8

Denied at a -8. Feel free to try again at some point.