ZoeyTheZany#3439 banned by?

Discord ID: ZoeyTheZany#3439

Admin Discord ID: ???

Ban Type: Full removal

Ban Length: No date was ever given to me

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 12/31/2019 ish?

Ban Reason: I said something unacceptable that shouldn’t ever be said even in jest which the comment was never to be taken seriously but was still wrong just the same.

Appeal Reason: I have grown as a person and over this long period of time worked to better myself. I will never be perfect but I can try my best and I want to be a good and positive person.
I always adored this community ever since I joined it and I hope that you will have me back.

Additional Information: I have apologized to Dimas a long time ago as well, on another SS13 discord server he happened to also be in. He accepted my apology then and to that, I am grateful for his forgiveness.

I have gone through some unfortunate events recently in my life that kept me away for months. However before then for a long time Xylana and Crossed got to spend time with my on another discord server for a long period of time. So I hope they both can be kind enough to vouch for me.


you called me a racial slur and a bigot simply because i’m a dude and you’ve tried pulling this exact same “i’ve changed” shit before
xlyana and dimas are long gone


So she’s not dead, epic


I fully admit I have had major issues before when it comes to men. However I have been working on it and many who have known me can vouch for me that my behavior and outlook has changed overtime.
I am sorry for the pain I have caused you or anyone else.

I am receiving professional help ( as was one of the terms of me coming back that Kev layed out) and have been taking my medication for a long time. I have been doing what was asked of me to be allowed to return and sincerely hope I am given another chance.

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Yknow, that’s really good you actually are getting help for it.

It went to a point where you really did need it.

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Yeah, I am sorry to those that I have worried which seems to be many people. It’s a long story but unfortunate events occurred that kept me away. It’s sort of nice though to see how many people have been messaging me on so many platforms showing their concern and when I pop back them being relieved. Anyhow, I missed you and many Bee members hun.

top 10 anime redemption arcs


Quality anime plot right here.
Good job.
Shirou PFP Wolfo Smug

Don’t peanut post in this thread and keep it on topic.

Personal attacks will be removed and your forum account will be suspended temporarily.

Man you was the best AI back in the day.I think you shoud give her a chance maybe she did change for real this time.

Time for me, a longterm lurker to give out some unwanted opions! :clown_face:

Honestly, what Zoey had said to Dimas back then was genuinely peak Garbage behaviour, & whilst her attitude back then was incredibly combative… It’s clear that since then, she’d understood her faults, genuinely seeked out help & had matured since then.

Case in point, using a certain ’Creep’ as an example, rather than straight up insulting him & flaming em as what you’d normally expect, Zoey had shown patience, pity towards them & reported them appropriately whilst keeping her emotions in check during the incident.

It takes alot of courage to both identify & accept your flaws.

But it takes even greater courage to actively seek out help & to genuinely make efforts into trying to better yourself.

Seven month’s a long time & honestly, from my limited experience with em, i don’t see any reasons for not unbanning em!

Hope that everything’s going better for you now, life can be seriously rough at times.


Thank you so much for this. Whether or not I get unbanned I want you to know that meant a lot to me.

Please unban so I have new quotes for whenever I go Zoey the clown again image

On a serious note, the whole I’m getting help routine is getting a bit old. I think you were a pretty toxic, harmful individual. This shit is a game but you take it to an oh boy level and just seemed mentally unstable as fuck.

It was probably more a culmination of things leading up to the actual ban reason, not just the remark. I personally don’t neccesarily have an issue with seeing you unbanned.

But if I’d run a server myself I’d probably just stick it forever because of the actual real life insanity that flows into your behaviour in a videogame. It’s a bit too much.


I’m a little confused by your screenshot here, I never go as Zoey The Zany in game and that doesn’t appear to be OOC chat where my ZoeyTheZany name does come up. The name also has spaces which I never do for my ZTZ name. I think you were talking to someone pretending to be me there. When was this taken?

Everyone who knows me knows my character names as Clown/Mime is Zoey , AI is Z.O.E.Y. and for all other job roles is Zoey Kisusq.

I think that just flew over your head chief


I haven’t had contact with you in any way for months. While you were normal in that Discord I don’t think it’s the same environment as BeeStation and that it doesn’t translate well into how you would perform here. I cannot vouch for you. You have said a lot of dumb shit to a lot of people through a long period of time within this community and the grudges that are held are mostly justified. You returning would only cause more problems for everyone, including you.

As the banning Admin I don’t see this being removed. Just go somewhere else and start over.


I’m a little baffled on why you are speaking like this, last time I talked to you which was admittingly months ago you actually encouraged me to try again. Don’t you remember? I genuinely thought you would do this.

Also I don’t think you were the banning admin hun, from what I recall it was a brand new admin at the time that I was unfamiliar with. I don’t even know if they are on the server anymore. Check the discord logs.

Unless you got unbanned and banned again, I was the authorizing admin and Moccha(? pretty sure) was the one who banned you. I doubt audit logs go that far though and it’s just my word against yours.

I assumed you’d be involved with another community within the time you were banned and that staff would have a way to gauge how you’d improved your reputation. Unless this is true I don’t see any way how people can accept you back.

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But I have shown my growth which was even previously shown by Panda, a case you, yourself dealt with and settled. I also have been involved in other SS13 communities since then and none have banned me or have had any issue whatsoever. But Bee has always been special to me and I have always wanted to come back.

With the new direction Bee is also taken both in game and discord server it should make for a calmer and kinder place which I really also want to be part of. I don’t want conflict with anyone and I just want to be a part of the community again. I’m deeply sorry for my past and I beg you to forgive me.

I don’t know what the current Administration will do with the ban, but I don’t think it could go anywhere other than you getting provoked and a mess being created for people to clean up again. If you have been a regular of another server, you should get a clear vouch from their staff to show your improvement. There’s not much to gain from empty claims.