I grab a deep-fried banana pie at roundstart, and attempted to break into chem to grind it and use the chemmasters to make anomalous virus food. There were no chemists. The sec officer on duty was being anal about it
This is where I get a call on radio about Viro being a shit and trying to break into chemistry. Apparently just breaking in and taking whatever you want is cool, very MEDIUM ROLEPLAY of a viro right there.
I broke in and did my shit, but then i see him in my airlock hiding in a plant trying to be sneaky, so i shut it and pda him about it to no response. I grab a firesuit and head into viro from space. He comes in to try and arrest me, so i exit to space. Ai is helping him so i cut cams
Sec comes back in force with hardsuits. I am captured, got nothing on me. While i’m in jail, captain asks me for a certain disease
This was actually like a 10 or so minute manhunt, Viro had locked himself in his room and had to be dug out of there like a hermit crab out of his shell. When arrested had a bunch of power gaming shit on him he wasn’t supposed to have, once again NOT VERY MEDIUM ROLEPLAY.
When i get back to viro, i have been griefed, all my equipment destroyed. No idea who the culprit was, so i ahelped it and had one of the trialjannies make me a new viro fridge. The round has gone on for 50 minutes at this point. I use admin powers to create a can of laughter and remove some excess chemicals in beakers in my griefed ass lab at this point, to replace what i lost
Seriously??? This alone should not only ban him as a player, but especially as an admin. Why the hell is he spawning absolutely anything in with his admin powers? What the actual fuck? How is any of this okay, is this what other admins do when they play? Is this allowed? Is this okay? How fucked up is this?
I mean not only is he asking TrialMins to do it, which of course as an ADMIN himself, they are going to oblige, which feels dirty right here. But to also spawn something in for yourself? Fucking hell man, that should get you fired on the fucking spot!! How many other admins do this when playing? Just spawn shit in for themselves?
I make the disease, and give it to captain, also putting some infected monkeys in medbay lobby. The disease is bloodborne and i make sure the monkeys arent attacked, so they dont bleed and spread the disease, and warned people via common. Apparently the captain was not so kind as to not get injured.
(The disease was maxed out pituitary disruption, high brute healing with some cell damage)
This is him trying to create a cover your own ass alibi – “Yeah I put a bunch of enlarged monkeys in medbay and told people not to attack them, that should be fine on Bee Station, everyone will listen and no one will ever attack the monkeys” – once again, not very Medium Roleplay.
People ask for the disease, so i set out some floorpills fill of it, and people begin to catch it when patients bleed.
I literally seen him in the hall trying to convince people to take his pills, I didn’t see anyone directly asking him for it.
I use a clown microphone to brag via common. An officer comes at me with a stunbaton while i have a revolver in hand, so i open fire. I could easily put more shots in to kill after the initial two to crit, but i instead told a borg to drag him to med. I fought back with lethals as i knew that was the only way i’d win against 2-hit wonder with a firesuit on and the lag i was experiencing. Sec had already ruined most of my round so i was fed up with their shit either way
This right here should be enough for a player ban. How is this any kind of excuse? Any other player would get banned for this, with absolutely no sympathy from anyone involved.
This whole interaction has left me with almost no confidence in the administration team. I think council should weigh on this heavily, this is all kinds of fucked.