Admin’s CKEY:
Ban Type:
Sec/Head of Staff
Ban Length:
30 Days
Ban Date (2024/09/21/):
Round ID:
Ban Reason:
Round 50053 - Wordlessly shot at a potential antagonist as a non-antag detective instead of attempting to call for security or attempting to roleplay, History of bad security conduct.
Appeal Reason:
Most of what was listed in the ban reason is accurate, including, unfortunately, the history of bad sec conduct. However, there is quite a bit of extra context to the situation that requires explaining. After spending most of my round looking (in character) for cases to solve, I was turned on to a missing person case involving the Chief Medical Officer being dragged off into maints. Since CMO’s suit sensors were on, I set my pinpointer and set off. Note at this point, there was no Head of Security, and to my knowledge there was no other security staff, though now I believe there was actually one other downed in medbay at this time. I walked into science seeing a downed CMO bleeding being dragged by a shaft miner, yelling at me to attack the kidnapper. I did at this time open fire using non-lethals in an attempt to save the CMO. Though the rules are a little vague on exactly what the detective should do in this situation, my interpretation is that this was the correct thing to do, as I was investigating an issue IC when I stumbled upon a head of staff being attacked with no way to call for backup. After a fight involving me and the CMO (and maybe an explorer/scientist? I can’t really remember, it was pretty late last night.) The kidnapper ended up in hard crit. I tried to get the CMO to revive her, to avoid removing another player from the round needlessly, but the CMO refused to render medical aid and the antagonist died. I spent most of the rest of the round trying to revive the antagonist, but was ultimately unsuccessful because the CMO pretty explicitly wanted them to stay dead.
I’m not 100% sure that this was the correct thing to do as a detective without other security staff, and out of the heat of the moment I think it’s pretty reasonable to say I should’ve at least said something before just shooting at the kidnapper. That said, I feel like a 30 day ban is much more than the situation warranted considering the additional context of the situation, because as far as I can tell the rules do support trying to intervene in an attack on a head of staff when there is no other security present. I would seek to have the ban overturned, or at the very least shortened to a more reasonable time frame.
Additional Information:
**Upon reviewing the rules, I realize that though someone kidnapping a head of staff is a reasonable danger, it probably wasn’t enough of a justification for using the revolver immediately. I don’t remember what security level the station was set to at this point, because it was last night at like 3 am in my time zone.