Your CKEY:
Yuri Vitch
Your Discord:
How long have you been playing ss13?:
600h on beestation
Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?:
No one that I know of
Game Experience (More Detailed):
My game experience mostly consists on the minimum for each class, Knowing some botany, knowing how to make a maxcap with science and robotics, How to setup and improve the SM as an engineer. The basics of fusion as Atmospheric tech. How to be a detective™️, as well as being able do more roleplay oriented tasks, such a lawyering, but my current experience is limited. I also know how to do circuits relatively well, and how to do all of the jobs in medbay.
I’ll take another with minimal notes, great playtime and experience across the station any time.
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how does this not count as 20 characters
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Almost a week in, so far +2 (+4 if That was also a +2 from kerbin) Might need some more time
No, you don’t need more time. We can just be slow with forums at time. You have over 650 hours with no recent or significant notes.
+2 (The first +2 I’ve ever given)
T: +6
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Probably a bump, but a knowledgable player that will be a good addition. +1
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- 1 I am not sure if Mentor’s can give points, but considering his large amount of hours, and his 2 notes. He seems to be a perfect fit for the mentor team and with the amount of hours he has, he can use his experience to help new players.
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+2, seconded.
This has been up for 8 days so I’m going to accept it at that.
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