Raspberrian Contribution
Well, well, well! What a Fun Thread! Lets find myself a spot to add on and hope it doesnt get too wordy! Thank you all for a great year, and I truly look forward to making this next one a pleasure with you all! ( ̄^ ̄ )ゞ
Firstly, id like to mention;
I am a new player, therefore everyone to me is new, and as such, the names listed below may not be The Best New Players of 2024, but certainly are some of my favourites, who I am so happy to have had the honour of meeting, and joy of working with in shift.
While secondary, and similar to Taylor,
Remembering names is tough, and giving the proper credit, the credit that is due is a task I don’t feel properly up to doing. Many names mentioned here, are names recorded or that have stuck with me. People that gave me memorable moments and helped to make this game be as amazing as it is. But that doesn’t mean its just them, some people’s names we’re left out because, sadly i’ve forgotten, or simply failed to mentioned here. But, i dont want that to take away from the fact theres not a single person around i dislike playing with, each, and every one of you is a joy to interact with in shift, and its my pleasure to get the chance to RP with you, a chance i hope comes again soon. <3
Even if Anxiety is one of Raspberrys least favourite moths to interact with (on account of how scary they are), and we haven’t always had the best IC interactions, that doesn’t change the fact that Anxiety was the first co-worker Raspberry had, the one who tried to show them medical, and introduce them to the joy of the station. I still remember the first botany shift and the dress up in the second. Im really grateful to have someone so good at their job on station around, and beyond words thankful IC and OOC for the introduction to the station given here.
Positronium XLII :
A beautiful and kind person, one who while not my most interacted with character, is beyond memorable for the few times i’ve had the pleasure of working with them. Positronium wasn’t the first to volunteer, but was the person who ultimately taught me how to set up SM. Something that, is immensely overwhelming, at least i thought, until it was explained to me, patiently, and easily. Engineering is not my best role, but, i can play it, and largely thanks to Positronium, so truly, thank you again.
Bone Lockland :
Ben Lockland, which i assume is the same person is someone ive loved interacting with. And, has been around for the duration of my time here on bee. I vividly recall the botany shift we worked together, along with a few other moments. Like, the shift where i was converted to cult, at time there was only i think three of us, but it was the first cult round I felt I did good despite the handful I had been apart of prior. And it was only possible to have a good shift like such because Bone Lockland not only converted me at a good time, but was a good cultist to work together with, they knew how the game works, what to do and were able to give me an idea, rather then throwing me in the deep end then running off. Which, isn’t anything crazy, or exaggerated, but, this game can be crazy, it can be easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment, especially as the main antag, but they didn’t let themselves get too caught up in it and just, im happy to have had such a stressful position, like antag be made easier, and enjoyable because of good, kind players.
Bungo :
Truthfully, with little difficultly i could find myself attributing many rounds of joy, and even more moments of humor, ic and OOC to bungo. They are, very funny, and are without a doubt one of my favourite people to see on station. And, i could go on, singing their praise, but instead of that, ill simply say, for the same reason Royal Courts had jesters, its fun to watch people make a fool of themselves. And few are as funny as the comedy duo of Bungo and Vending Machine.
Will :
Thank you for the poppies, and even if can be weird with Eyeam, Will is amazing. I love you so much, the rp interactions with you and so much more. And don’t think ill ever forget the shift where Will went to question raspberry, about a witnessed crime only to get convo locked for 1hr ultimately about how Will uses cheap soaps, relying on their flowers for deodorant.
Amy Moon :
Amy has been one of the best additions ive seen to bee. Like me, we both just put in lots of hours, and it was so nice to see someone else, so consistently in the off hours of low pop. While not exclusive to you, I love Shark Plushie gimmick, and the fun we’ve had in some shifts. Still remember the shift as Marshy Brooks where we asserted our dominance over the wildlife of Echo and giggle reminiscing
Sharla Redfre :
I’ve always loved your character model and way you made them look. Dress-up/fasion is a very enjoyable part of this game to me, and seeing another visually pleasing character is always nice. I just didnt expect a compliment based on that thought, to inspire bungo to write us up Marriage Papers… While a suprise, it was a good year being married to you. And while we aren’t the most frequent to interact with one another IC, alot has stemmed from this relationship, which not only has helped to develop raspberry, but to make playing them more fun. The flirting is so stupid silly, but i look forward to more of it with you xd
Euryzygoma :
I’ve had some amazing shifts with you. From me as antag breaking into your engine room, or us being hunted together like animals by Plasmafire and needing to do some serious survival of the fittest, or even being apart of Moth Mafia. So many unique, memorible and enjoyable moments with you by my side that I hope we get more this year.
Strawbrary :
COUSIN!!! I didnt expect to ever get a discord dm asking if being another berry was okay, let alone to develop a IC family like such. And, its been amazing having you be apart of it. From the little lore tidbits, to the shifts of hanging out together, its always a joy working with you.
S.P.A.R.K.Y :
I feel terrible here, but I know Sparky is one of my favourite people but i cant recall why? I think Sparky was the first to teach me Xeno, and maybe Genetics, but its been a bit. And thats the case with alot of my best Sparky moments. But, that doesnt change the fact that in those formative early times on bee, sparky was a comfort character who was not only nice but fun to be around. They’ve always done their bit to be helpful, not just to me but to the station and its always made the shift easier having them be apart of it. Im sorry ive forgotten so much of our time together, and that it happened before my diarys of rounds started, but that doesn’t change
The Real Captain :
Not only the first person to interact with Raspberry, but also the only clown as far as im concerned. Ive played with others who have been good, funny and enjoyable to be around but The Real Captain has always just felt like the standard. I still remember the “You’ve been around for a week now, I can do this finally” before getting pied in the face, THEN being shown how to clean it off. So many little things were taught by The Real Captain / Varo, in a way that was not only funny, and made sense IC but, we’re truly helpful and helped the fresh me get used to being around the station. And even if something’s havent had a chance to be used, its not like i’ll ever forget the CQC, how could i after The Real Captain forced me into a training lesson.
Sleep :
I love you so much. Sleeb is, by far, among Raspberry’s favourite moths to see. And like, The Real Captain being the clown, i just cant help of thinking of Engineering, or a Chief Engineer without thinking of Sleep. You not only go along with my little shenanigans, always falling down when i *tackle, but also indulge me whenever i ask for a engineering lesson despite being busy. And then dont yell at me for getting distracted by a talking slime and going over 40min without helping you in engineering. The day will come when i want to play more engineering, when i want to get up to the crazy shenanigans that the department can create, and i know that when that time comes, its going to be when i see Sleep on in engineering. And im happily looking forward to that time when it comes.
Erika Parker :
Does erika even need an explanation of why they’d be anyones favourite? From the first moment of meeting them theyre character was a badass. The next was them holding command meeting which i love oh so dearly. And really, theres so many things that ManicalAnxiety does well its amazing, they’re characters are always interesting, not just Erika but Duels-The-Wicked too at the very least. Its alot of fun working with Erika, because theyre amazing at RP, and know what it takes to make a round fun, even if it means bending rules or taking a loss.
Leo Andromeda :
Among the newer faces, and the least interacted with on this list. But, a joy to interact with. Playing together on low pop, attitude is a huge deal, and Leo always had a good one. They did their job, which was always a big help when you needed them, because they not only could help but wanted to. But more then their work, they were, and are just nice. Which is simply fun, fun to work with and fun to have around on station and im happy to have gotten to play with them.
Emi/Tuna/Plum :
Similar to sparky, im having a hard time recalling the exact rounds where each of your characters became close to Raspberry. It wasn’t Tuna first, but i do remember that night on Echo, where we used the beautiful beach as backdrop for RP, having a chance at learning more about your character and becoming close to them. Because I knew Plum, and I knew Emi, both of which i believe i met very early into my time at bee. Your characters are nice, and relaxing to be around. I know i’ve on more then one occasion used your lab as a hangout spot, and im so happy you never acted like a chef and murdered me for loitering in your space, a kindness im going to exploit as I have no remorse for my crime and will do it again.
Comrade :
𓆦 ~Moth Friend~ 𓆦
If i was to pick a single person, a task i doubt i could easily accomplish for my favourite of 2024, it might be Comrade. I still giggle thinking about the first shift we met, where I showed you around and helped when i could, with you being extremely new at the time, telling me (the HoP) that you’d love to help me do whatever misc job i said at time, but your boss wouldnt let you… But it wasn’t just one funny interaction at the start because you were new, but we often managed to find ourselves on at similar times, and due to the nature of lower pop quickly started spending alot of shifts with together and each one being enjoyable. Even if not for the big moments, Comrade is a comfort character who I find no issue in just talking to, and always am happy when an opportunity to do so comes up. Not only that, but they’ve always tried their best to be not only nice but helpful, to me and to so many others. And there very much is a special place in my heart for people like Comrade, who despite being new myself, I still had the pleasure of watching grow from a freshie to an exeperienced doctor, who even has played ChiefMedicalOfficer, and Captain.
And there we have it!
Like i said, there’s alot of names i didn’t mention, even more I forgot. And to those in this category im sorry, it wasn’t done of malice or ill intent, it just is what it is… And while not mentioned by name here, I would like to thank Rkz, Mashmellow, WhereamI/O, Ruko, PowerfulBacon, Crossedfall, h42, oo7cragmc, and Szczebreszyn. Each of them were responsible for maintaining, and curating the playerbase, making sure that rounds weren’t griefed and tried their best to make sure we all had the best opportunity to have fun. Without them, the server might not exist, or be shit. And while i have had nothing but good interactions with them, that’s only because they’re good people who I hope know how grateful we are for what they do, and hope that not just in 2024, but this year too, we get to see the continued efforts of staff caring for the player base as i know they’ve done in the past.
These players i did mention however are people who have done a amazing job in making Bee a place I love, turning this into one of my favourite games and making this community seem so desirable to be apart of. Im thankful to each and every one of them, and wanted to give them the praise and mention they deserve, even if this doesnt do it justice.
(*ˊᗜˋノノ It was a good 2024, I am so honoured to have been able to join, and become apart of this community that really im thankful to you all. Im truly looking forward to this next year with you all