You can manifest any ss13 item in your hands which one?

Funny minigame

You can manifest any ss13 item from the bee codebase in your hands, which one would you pick, what would you use it for, etc

Feel free to reply to others showcasing the downside or some difficulties of their pick, think wisely…

I’ll start: A regen coma bottle

inb4 debug uplink

Debug wizard spellbook.

Should be pretty obvious why.


debug wiz spellbook is the only correct choice tbh

not sure.

sheet of iron.

felinid virus

noone would actually thing of eating chocolate when they get it and it spreads like wildfire

just tell friends and family to eat chocolate and see how the world simply burns

or you can be a degenerate and use it on yourself

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Outside of haha funny debug item …
Any of the spellbooks would be fun to try and start a cult (untill the fbi put you in a lab)
Any of the fun science gadgets could revolutionize science when reverse engineerd - or even cheesier, a full tech disc

supermatter sword to hunt le valids without needing to hide the body :sunglasses:

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the wishgranter sksksksksksksk

singulo :flushed:


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Hacked Botany vending machine… Do you have any idea how revolutionary some of the plants could be for agriculture oh and also eternal life via pod people.

without debug item i’m going with felinid virus
finally my catgirl/boy world dream becomes real

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a locker.
you guys probably dont know why, and im not going to tell you why. trust me, its for everyone’s good

The ultimate hat. I don’t care for the rest.

:bulb: I got it!
A grey slime extract!
I can already hear PETA knocking at my door…

Debug uplink because i game hard :sunglasses:

fully loaded H.O.N.K mech

many mimes will perish in the name of HONKMOTHER


but dem, you don’t have any plasma!

i’m gonna inject myself with a morph syringe.

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any gas miner

crashes the game

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instantly die of radiation poisoning.

So it’s a win-win

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