In-game report:
CKEY:kate bishop
Your Discord:kate is (not) dead
Offender’s CKEY:figtherslam
LRP or MRP server:mrp
Offender’s In-Game Name:everett
Date (18/3/2020):
Round Number:13582
Rules Broken:antag conduct
Incident Description:i was chilling on medbay when i saw a moth on a cap suit, as the goof i am i screamed:fuck moths" and spraypainted his face blue, next thing i hear is a ling screech and armbladeing and thn.. im dead, everett decapitates me and goes away letting my body to rot.
Additional Information:apparently he did this to more than one player as dchat told me, he claims i was sucked for genes but i was not i was let to rot.
i absorbed you
please, tell me who i killed but failed to absorb
also, kate.
you attacked someone. with a stun item.
and stunned them.
you got attacked back and are reporting someone for fighting back when you attack them out of nowhere, having no reason to do it, whatsoever
this can literally be interpreted as you metagrudging me since you were the person who attacked first
i literally saw you run away and get nowhere near my body
dude i spraypainted you screamed a word and pulled you up again dont bullshit me whit scalation
embodiment of antag killed me ban he
grow up babby
me antag me murderbone on mrp
Is this what MRP is like now?
An antag killing one person that provoked them is murderbone?
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ban he cuz he killed me but didn’t suck me
I don’t think that is a good reason for reporting
the absolute state of the gay babies playing this server
You stunned an antagonist and then acted shocked when he killed you back.
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