**Admin’s CKEY:**zeskorion
**Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:**on both for some reason
**Ban Type:**server
**Ban Length:**forever
**Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY):**2019-9-19
**Round ID:**7211
**Ban Reason:**on thin ice,got ai to remove holodeck safeties,ran around stamcriting people with holoswords,acts as he is ignorant to being a shitter.Due to being on thin ice this offence warants a perma ban
**Appeal Reason:**I comment the ban reason because its extremely stupid to ban someone on lrp server for that,and he even got demoted for abuse of powers and stupid ban reasons.But you guys said i need to show “proof of change” well i got some, this proves i can play normaly.
Additional Information: living hours

you are also free to ask guys on tg what the think of me(even tho i havent played there in a while)