Xarnata Daemos's Guides to Niche shit

So, I’ve noticed some things have been updating, and while the wiki has some basics on how each item specifically works, but does not contain how each map can be utilized for said addition, I’ve decided to share with you my favorite things to do, and how to do them with decent effectiveness.

Each of these things is decently beneficial for the station with some really nefarious uses there-after if you get the hang of it or know how to use it. I’ll be updating this frequently as I find more fun and niche shit to put on here, along with different setups for each station. This is from the perspective of MRP, if it’s updates are not the same as LRP’s, I apologize for the differences.

Regardless, Enjoy learning how to be a little more crew positive or traitor robust.

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Let me introduce you to PLUMBING!!

No, this isn’t where you piss and shit, this honestly should be renamed to automated chemistry, but hey, it’s supposed to give lavalanders a source of chems, but we ain’t got that much of an update… would be great for dwarf fortressing it up!

To start off, here’s the big fat wiki page: Automated Chemistry

Now that that is out of the way, let’s get down to the meaty bits that you came here for. How niche is it and what’s it’s use in bee?

To start off, you notice the new update with the need of synthflesh for cloning? What’s with that shit? Well it keeps people from thinking ‘lol I’ll be cloned fast’ and remind people that if you expect to die, don’t fuck over medbay. Plus it keeps chemists working rather than sitting around just making whatever the fuck they want all day… Well, at least before plumbing came in!

Welcome, to INFINITE SyNtHfLeSh setup for cloning!

The following is my current ‘best’ setup for pubby station. Let’s start with what it does shall we?

Some of you know plumbing already, but them R2D2 looking machines, all 7 of them, are chemical generators. Each one set to a different amount of chemical, and different type of chemical available by a non-upgraded chem-dispenser. Those are your starters. We’ll label them as the color of pipe they are attached to. Bear in mind that so long as these [chemicals] are attached to these (pipes) with the corrrect {chemcial output}, the layout will work.

(White) 1: [Chlorine] {3}
(White) 2: [Phosphorus] {3}
(White) 3: [Radium] {3}
That’s right folks, these three machines will pump out the chemicals for unstable mutagen. Which will transfer into the tank directly attached to the (White) and (Red) pipes on the right. During the setup you will have put blood into it so it will constantly be filling with [blood] and [unstable Mutagen] which will automaticly mix there-after into more [blood] for the final product.

(Purple) 1: [Aluminium] {2}
(Purple) 2: [Hydrogen] {2}
(Purple) 3: [Oxygen] {2}
(Purple) 4: [Sulphuric Acid] {2}
Here is an obvious one as well! Well, typically they’re all obviously the input chemicals for the 3 chemicals needed for the output anyways. Now, note the clearly different color purple pipe. It’s used for the setup later. These 4 are linked to either-
A: A Reaction chamber as shown here (Slower reactions, but only the materials you need will ever be available to avoid overuse of power where power is a concern)
B: A tank just like the Blood generator. Sure, if your setup phase is wack you might have a little bit extra chemicals in there that aren’t styptic, but who cares right? This is for mass production, after all.

(Red) 1: [Carbon] {3}
Red pipe itself is connected to all three materials that you want to mix, blood will pump from the tank, styptic powder from the reaction chamber/tank depending on your setup, and carbon will pump directly from the final chemical output.
Red pipe will always go from all three sources > reaction chamber > Tank > Liquid output. You can add more tanks if the crew’s dying a lot and crying for synthflesh, or getting hurt a lot and splashing it on people (Yes, just draw some synthflesh from the output then splash it on someone for unga dunga heals. There’s no OD threshhold after all)

You MUST set up each reaction chamber, and for efficiency, each tube can only carry 10units every 2 seconds, so utilize a maxmimum output of 3 per chem if there’s 3 chems, and 2 per chem if there’s 4-5, 1 if there’s more than 5. When you have your outputs, match your reaction chamber. It will not accept a chemical if you misspell it.

Setup time!
-Round Start!-

  1. Inform cargo of your need for pipes if there is cargo. If not? Science often gets autolathes for their work. Someone will get an autolathe eventually.

  2. Create plastic sheets (You should do this anyways, it helps out the station in the long run. Try to do it before people come running for their ‘I wanna have a brain tumor for the memes’ mannitol. But don’t deny them mannitol man… Even traitors gotta stay stealthy and being a good boy gets you good boy points.

  3. Add plastic to ORM via Medical lathe and print off your plumbing device, only one since the cost is crazy high and everyone else has round start things to do too. Traitor? Fuck everyone else over by getting a second. Who cares. Time to run to that autolathe and grab the pipes (construction - Fluiduct). For the above construction, you will need roughly 15 ducts, but if you wanna be a bro to botany? Grab 20. 50 if you just wanna play around with it too.

  4. Re-situate your work space. For pubby, clear out the area shown. Still trying to mentally map how other stations would be set up, so give it time and I’ll update with pics. Once your space is cleared out, time to set down the machines as shown. Don’t set down the pipes just yet Secure all machines and setup the reactor to [Styptic Powder] {3} [Blood] {3} [Carbon] {3}. Set your second reactor if using the reactor method. [Aluminium] {2} [Hydrogen] {2} [Oxygen] {2} [Sulphuric Acid] {2}

  5. Here’s the tricky part, the chemical reaction setups. In order to get [Blood] from [Unstable Mutagen], you need blood in the vat in the first place. set up your (White) pipes. Now, attach an input gate to the piping, take a syringe and inject 5u of blood into the system. If all is good, there should now be 5u of blood in the tank. Good! Next, un-wrench the input and use the plumbing tool to deconstruct it. Un-wrench the pipe leading to the blood tank and set up your (White) generators to their chemicals and output levels. Once set, re-attach the pipe so you don’t get an imbalance of chemicals in your tank.

  6. Now you wanna set up your styptic powder machines to their respective chemicals and outputs before setting down the pipes. Note that if you are using the tank method, be sure to put the pipe shown to be a different colored purple LAST. To change colors which is necessary, use the pipe in hand, keep it on Default Layer (for this setup’s simplicity), then choose a color. The colors chosen are for setup display purposes, any colors will do, so long as they are 3 separate colors, as same colored pipes connect and force flow. Finally, set up the red pipe and watch as people start crying for you to make synthflesh for cloning and all you gotta do is point a the output.

You can check each tank for it’s viability by examining it. If the chemical you want holds a vast majority, your setup will last, otherwise you risk losing your mix to a flood of another chemical. This only happens if the setup phase goes poorly, or if someone fucks with your setup. If someone DOES fuck with your setup, the fix is really easy.

Last tank not just synthflesh? Probably connected the pipes before setting up, or someone fucked with the reaction chamber. Un-wrench the last pipe, fix the mix in the reaction chamber, empty out the tank via output chamber.

Styptic tank not primarily styptic? Definitely a setup error. Un-wrench discolored pipe shown above, disconnect tank, deconstruct tank, reconstruct tank, re-anchor tank, check chemical outputs, reattach pipe.

Blood tank not primarily blood? This is the annoying one, you probably turned the chems on before adding the blood, or attached the pipe before they were all on. Set the [unstable mutagen] chems to {0}, un-wrench the tank, deconstruct the tank, reconstruct the tank, unwrench the right most (Red) pipe, re-do the setup phase for blood, fix your red pipes, turn on the chems before applying the final (White) pipe.

The Station Bro
Finished your cloning setup? Head over to botany and build them a setup for unstable mutagen (no blood this time).
Feel like being lazy? Make kelotane and bicardine setups with pill presses in the medbay lobby, (Be sure to have the exact units on the pills or no one will take them). Everyone can heal themselves and you can worry about your space drugs and getting the first bro his cure for viro to do vaccines.
Feel like being a drug lord? You can make a meth lab without risk of explosions because their heaters have exact heat settings. (haven’t tested how fast) Just needs more space.

Sneaky traitor
Typically a traitor chemist is one that’s never around and rushes making grenades. Well, this may take a couple minutes to set up, but it shows ‘hey, I’m a station helper, I couldn’t possibly be a traitor by doing this setup and taking my time.’ Well, now you’ve got 100% free time to do random things and no crybaby bitch-asses asking for healing when they can just dump shit on themselves.
Another great thing about plumbing? It takes up space. You could create something trivial in medbay and people won’t complain that they’re getting their chem fixes to think ‘why is it so hard to move around and evade the robust?’
Need to fuck up cloning? Easy, just stem the flow of chems and make it manual creation again. No one will notice until there’s no synth left and people will have to do manual chem creation again.
Area Denial, create a setup that pumps out flash and sonic powder and you can create a mini flashbang at any reactor set up to have pull/mix the reagents. Just make sure you have proper ear/eye wear.

Additional info
It’s currently unknown how much a reaction chamber can hold, and given that it can only pull 10u every 2 seconds, your flash or concussion can only at maximum, be 3u each, which is still enough to deafen and potentially cause a flash stun. Still useful regardless, even if absolute memes aren’t in the works.

More to come, from other station setups, to Bluespace telemetry memery.


Good guide, especialy since plumbing can be done by anyone with access to the medical techfab, you can get plastic sheets from a cargo crate, in case you get choomists making drugs and beeing to braindead to read the wiki.

  1. You can setup the autolathe yourself wihout any outside help once science researches industrial engineering and they should do that tech roundstartish anyway. Grab basic tools and cable from the public tool storage. Go to the medical techfab, print the board, eject metal for the machine frame and one glass sheet. Screwdriver and crowbar one of the chem dispensers and one of the chemfridges and you have all the parts needed to make your own autolathe. You can print out the parts you gutted out and reubild your machines. (having an autolathe as a tator equals unlimited health sensors for the death/crit trigger nades and other useful thingies)

  2. You can run everything on a single loop of fluid ducts if you use a filter before the mutagen/blood tank. Using filters before tanks is a good idea to avoid unwanted reactions.

  3. Acclimators take a long time to reach the exact temperature but you could set ± values to speed it up not sure if thats still a thing but probably is.

I think reaction chambers can hold around 200u of reagents, Most of plumbing machines have some sort of internal storage. Also the bubbling sound of constant reactions is anoying af so if you are doing an elaborate setup consider making it further away from the high traffic areas. Plumbing (empty bad) room when?

Edited text in bold, at least thats what the description in game says

Making a personal autolathe is new to me, I like the idea of building all the high-tier medical machines like autodocs and limb growers without having to go beg cargo or R&D for stock parts.
I checked the code, the buffer for the reaction chamber is indeed 200 units. The acclimator has a “allowed_temperature_difference” value which is described as “Basically if target is 300, and this is 10, it will still target 300 but will start emptying itself at 290 and 310.
On the subject of where to place it, the bar and dorms are spacious and are rarely used (for legitimate purposes, at least), evac also has lots of space, but there might be some grief when the shuttle docks and everyone has to clamber through your jungle gym of a chemical plant. Speaking of which, please don’t just leave pill presses running, anyone who right-clicks on the resultant pile will have their computer melted into slag.
I’ve seen a couple of factories in action, including one for synthflesh that made about 1500 units before the shuttle came, and a setup in the bar last night on LRP that outputted at least 200 10-u pills each of kelotane and bicaridine, before I turned off the synthesizers and put all the pills in a smartfridge before they crashed the server.
A superb guide, lots of really useful information on a new and rather complex subject. Hopefully there’ll be more chadmists using this in the future.

Plunger? That’s what they’re for!

Also meth when? It’s fun to put it into a smoker in the halls…

Are you shurs you are an admin… becouse that makes me wonder.

Scrap the idea with filters they really suck, internal storage of 50u and when its full they clog up and stop working. Way better to just use reaction chambers to pull the chemicals you want from the network

Meth’s easy but if you want to factory produce it that way make sure noone can mess with the acclimator.
Thats what i come up with, you can probably make it smaller or better but it works.

All of the synthesizers are set to 1u, 3 reaction chambers in the yellowish loop make reagents needed and those two in the red loop work as filters.

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I’ll bet you could pre-heat some of the reagents to get the meth formula within 1 degree of completion to make it run faster…

If you manage to setup your meth smoker in a place where it doesn’t violate the NAP and only consenting people are exposed to it, then I wouldn’t see an issue.

Orrr you could set it up outside of security as an antag and have it make meth foam to coat the sec officers when they spot you…