CKEY: Wizelf402
Admin’s CKEY: Naevi
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both servers.
Which server did the ban happen on? The ban occured on Beestation Sage.
Ban Type: Global.
Ban Length: Permanant.
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 7/9/2020
Round ID: 18318
Ban Reason: Spawned a bunch of monsters in the hallways using the power of xenobiology, on a 3 hour old account. If you think this is a mistake, appeal on the forum.
Appeal Reason: I do admit that I messed up here. I’m still learning xenobiology on this station, and I wanted to see if I could use the recurring and stabilized extracts to create a theoretically infinite number of creatures for a zoo using gold/grey, before pacifying them using pink stable. This was, well, also the IC motivation for it. I unleashed a horde of hostile creatures in science, because someone asked me to demonstrate what I came up with. And, well, it turns out that the peacemaking effects of the pink stable extract do NOT carry over to other people, and can also, in fact, be broken. I definitely didn’t mean to self antag here, and I apologize for doing so. So… yeah. This was mostly an outlandish goal gone wrong. Hopefully, you can find it in you to lift my ban, and I’ll make sure that my experiments in the future don’t devolve into antag behavior.
Additional Information: I don’t think that my account is actually just 3 hours old, as well. This is pretty much my go-to medium rp server, although I don’t do medium rp very often. Usually, I do heavy rp, and occasionally low rp.