Wisakedjak Player Report

   CKEY: VictorPride

   Your Discord: VictorPride

   Offender’s CKEY: wisakedjak

   LRP or MRP server: MRP

   Offender’s In-Game Name: Can't recall, peacekeeper borg

   Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 01/01/2021

   Round Number: 25643

   Rules Broken: Self-antag

   Incident Description:

Three officers including myself arrested a lizard in Science, and during the arrest they decided to pax me several times despite me acting totally nonlethal. When I questioned why they did so, they injected me another few times with pax as well as tiring solution to leave me falling down for the next few minutes.

Later in the round they set an officer to arrest randomly so Beepsky could arrest them, injected another officer with tiring solution and then continued to fuck with Security for absolutely no reason and were eventually killed for it.

Additional Information:

I did ahelp this at the time but there was no admins online then. I probably wouldn’t have bothered to follow up on this until I saw this player try to report Security for misconduct and accidentally out their shitter borg tendencies yet again.

First things first, I was on “do onto others lawset”.

Three officers including myself arrested a lizard in Science, and during the arrest they decided to pax me several times despite me acting totally nonlethal.

The lizard was screaming harmbaton while you and 2 other officers harmbattoned him. And pax shouldn’t impact your ability to non-harmfully arrest them.

When I questioned why they did so, they injected me another few times with pax as well as tiring solution to leave me falling down for the next few minutes.

You didn’t ‘question’ me, you called me little shit and were being an asshole so I injected you once to chill and left.

Later in the round they set an officer to arrest randomly so Beepsky could arrest them

He was arresting clown for a crime he did not commit one minute after leaving the brig (for another crime he did not commit).

continued to fuck with Security for absolutely no reason and were eventually killed for it

ie HoS validhunted me with a ion rifle.

The lizard was screaming harmbaton while you and 2 other officers harmbattoned him. And pax shouldn’t impact your ability to non-harmfully arrest them.

I did not harmbaton once and logs will prove this. Maybe one of the officers did but it certainly wasn’t three of us.

You didn’t ‘question’ me, you called me little shit and were being an asshole so I injected you once to chill and left.

I did question you as to why you did it but you just ignored me then continued to inject me multiple times like a shitter.

He was arresting clown for a crime he did not commit one minute after leaving the brig (for another crime he did not commit).

That’s something that can be resolved through simply explaining the situation, not getting Beepsky to baton and cuff an officer and end up with all of Security thinking you’re rogue or a shitter.

ie HoS validhunted me with a ion rifle.

Yes, HoS eventually did kill you. I’m normally one to stand up for borgs’ rights but that was more than deserved. You’re a peacekeeper, not Security. You don’t exist to set people to arrest nor set people free. If you want to play Security then be Security.

I did not harmbaton once and logs will prove this. Maybe one of the officers did but it certainly wasn’t three of us.

Maybe, then it didn’t change anything. Pax doesn’t do anything else. Chill.

That’s something that can be resolved through simply explaining the situation, not getting Beepsky to baton and cuff an officer and end up with all of Security thinking you’re rogue or a shitter.

I did. He continued to arrest the clown after I had explained him the situation.

You forget that borgs are meant to be neutral; not step down when sec harmbatons, and OD the valids on chems when they attack sec. Just because you’re sec doesn’t mean you’re always in the right and justified in your actions.

Borgs are allowed to intervene when they see crew being harmed or treated unfairly. Just because you’re sec and he’s valid doesn’t change that fact.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
“You would really prefer it if people were not mean to you.”

Just wanna say

this lawset doesn’t mean you can do to people what they have done to you.
It means you have to treat people as you would want to be treated.
I doubt you would want to be injected tiring solution while making arrest.

Anyway i was sec that round so someone else need to take a look into this.

Yea probably if 3 seccies were beating me with harmbaton, I’d like someone to intervene.

Btw it was a greenshift.

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Victor called him names, and he retaliated. IMO if I was an asshole and someone made me pass out id understand they were helping me be a better person

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It doesn’t work like this.

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That’s exactly how it works. That’s exactly how his laws read. It’s that simple, and you just explained it to us

so, the lawset is comprised of one order, and one definition :

  1. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
  2. “You would really prefer it if people were not mean to you.”

So, law 1 orders you to act upon others the way you want to be acted upon. If this were the only law, you might have been fine, as you seemed fine with both your actions and the consequences IC.
Law 2 defines clearly how you want to be acted upon, namely “not (in a) mean (manner)”.
So, regardless of circumstances, you must act “not mean”, which pretty much disqualifies, regardless of treatment by others :

  • Insults and shit-talking (excluding enjoyable banter, but that’s beside the point).
  • Injecting anything more delibitating than pax (not being to use lethals is itself a risk you’re imposing on others, but that at least doesn’t fuck up non-combat tasks)
  • setting peoples to be restrained by an angry böll with a stunbaton and lackluster empathy (there is some merit to stop abusers (then again, law 2 forces you into a passive attitude), but you should really be using your own kit (cookie dispenser with roleplay, preferably) for that.)

Also, if you genuinely need to interfere so much with security to stop abuse, you should really call in either :

  • the captain
  • the AI(s) of the station
  • or, if it gets bad enough, an admin

To be fair, it IS a bad lawset for silicons due to how vague it is.

This is just a shit lawset, to be honest.

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sir plz. he was just doing his job

Between discussion here, round logs and the previously linked report, it looks like @wisakedjak just has it out for security and potentially @VictorPride specifically based on roundstart communications and hypo spam.

There’s strong evidence of being overzealous to inject ALL of security with pax while engaging in non-harmful activities, as well as just injecting others in general (There was no harmbaton, and Victor didn’t even use a baton, but rather just a flash). You did not have crew harm laws even if this was the case.

Do unto others is a really shit lawset, yes. It almost completely prevents silicons from intervening in any conflict, even their own. You can’t be mean to anyone because you don’t want them to be mean to you.

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