Winter Darkraven Player Report (2)

This has little to do with zombies, I wanted to lock up the HoS because they were killing the two crew members who walked into the armory, and from what I saw, it wasn’t their only choice because it was disable first → kill instantly right after.

Addtionally, you might say “well it was self defense, cut them some slack”
I would cut them some slack, but I re-iterate

  1. They were already disabled and stam critted
  2. They, the people that got harmed, didn’t even pick up a gun yet

So I doubt you can call self defense when the fight pretty much ended


Ahem. I helped write the new rules; please don’t pretend I don’t know what they say.


Zombies are definitely still crew if they’re on the manifest. A space carp is crew if it’s on the manifest.

I’d argue for sanity’s sake, the Romerol zombies ruling applies equally to crew and crewsimov - its not harming them unless you destroy the body, but I can see where confusion would come from

It is the not harmed until body is destroyed part I wanted to highlight not the first word of the sentence.
And that doesn’t change on crewsimov or asimov I assume .

The thread is losing the main focus again >.<
This is about how the HoS disabled and harmed the two people that walked into the armory.

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  • Security is authorized to use lethal force on suspects suspected of Major or greater crimes who actively flee and resist arrest, and suspects who assault officers without responding to verbal warnings to stop.

If they are in armory and have lasergums and shoot HoS he can use lethal. He should ideally revive them but if AI is hindering his every move then it kinda becomes low priority.

Of course space law and sop is nothing to AI but I, from the limited information, think HoS was in right.

Here’s what happened:

Two people walk into Armory.
HoS disables one of them, the other runs away.
What does HoS do next? Cuff? No. Kill, and chase the other down guns blazing.
Crew harm. Maybe, if you don’t want the AI to say “Crew harm”, cuff instead of kill?

You have to explain to me where I broke my laws :flushed:
They didn’t even pick up a gun lmao

Just because the HoS plays exclusively to kill people and, in that round, meta-buddy up, doesn’t mean the AI gets to die or ignore its laws because “well they’ll kill me if I try to stop them” :flushed:


Also once he killed them he stopped doing harm and there wasn’t imidiete evidence he will harm someone else so hindering him from doing his duty and not listening to law 2 isn’t justified in my opinion.

If you somehow manage to do harm to something that can’t be harmed, you’d be impressive

You commit crew harm, you’re crew harmer. What do you not understand? His only law 2 was “AI open” which was referring to my shutters, so he can kill me. Are you by any chance the one person the HoS was metabuddying up with that round?

You still haven’t told me why I was wrong for trying to contain the HoS that just killed crew; I don’t bend over backwards because people can pose a threat to me, my laws come first.


So if someone even once harms someone at any point he stops being crew and you dont have to listen to them ? Also HoS said the used lasers if I am not wrong I assume it true but you need lots to prove this. Also accusing me of breaking rules because I my opinion is different then yours is kinda cringe

The HoS killed, not just harmed, some disabled guy. I can certain orders once they’re proven crew harm, yes.

We can wait for logs if you want to, but when I clicked on my camera sensor, I saw a disabled guy getting laser’d. The fight for that guy was over at that point, yet the HoS went in for the execution. This was a 2 vs 2, mind you, not one on two. Security executing even dangerous (has yet to be seen by logs) criminals is still crew harm.

You’re not saying no here


stop peanut posting then :flushed:

And let me remind you because this keeps going over your head
As security, you have to work with the AI, not against it - knowing an AI exists and that they care about crew, yet still going against its laws just so you can try to find a flimsy reason to kill it, is mega cringe.

As an AI, I’m very easy to work with, even if you have violated law 1; saying that you were overwhelmed (To which the HoS wasn’t), will revive them or make amends for it works for me :flushed:

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[2021-05-13 20:34:24.112] ATTACK: RBMKRadiation/(Ty Sybilla) has fired at [reinforced window] with the laser from Armory (Armory (107, 180, 2))

[2021-05-13 20:34:24.243] ATTACK: RBMKRadiation/(Ty Sybilla) has shot Winter Darkraven/(Velvet Pinkawalt) with the laser (NEWHP: 71.9) (Armory (107, 179, 2))

Quick glance at logs.

Post the full logs please, start of fight till end of fight
Also again as I say, on-the-go execution is still crew harm :flushed:
When I clicked motion sensor, I saw a disabled guy getting executed

  • Releasing prisoners, locking down security without any likely indication of future harm, or sabotaging the security team when you are not obliged to do so is against the rules.

  • Intentionally going out of your way and acting with minimal information to hinder security is also against the rules.

Him following his sop at the moment and legally killing them is not a likely indication of FUTURE harm .

I will now withdraw as per your command.(you attack me as person more than my points anyway)
And if you need it spelled out for you no I am not his meta friend.

Killing crew is a pretty good indicator of needing to contain them bro :flushed:
Good, begone peanut boi


Are you really reporting hos for killing people robbing armory on lrp or am I missing something?

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I’m guessing you didn’t even read the very first post :flushed:
The HoS disabled and executed crew member, I tried to contain HoS, HoS killed me for following my laws :flushed: (This is very short of what happened)


If it shows up as dead via HUD, they’re dead. Animated dead are still dead.

Aside from that one minor side point I’ve actually read through the whole thread now, and I think all the information that’s necessary is present so I’m gonna lock it for the time being.

Now heads are discussing it in private

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There are multiple misconceptions on both sides of this report, going to address them individually:

Zombies are dead. You can only harm the dead via total bodily destruction. This directly parallels the silicon policy regarding Asimov on zombies.

Harm for the sake of self-defense is, in fact, still considered to be harm and silicons should attempt to intervene. It is however common sense that people are going to defend themselves, and this should generally not be used as an excuse to assume that person is going to be a persistently harmful threat.

There is leeway here and every situation is unique, but if you act nuclear about ANY harm present whatsoever, you’d had better be doing it equally across the board. This means you should be locking down zombies, that guy that accidentally slapped someone for 2 damage, etc. Not zeroing in on explicitly one person.

In cases of mutually intended harm (Security vs Antagonists, both with clearly hostile intent) you should not explicitly be siding with or against anyone. Seek to stop ALL harm, not just one side.

The blood brothers are up in the air, nobody can say precisely what you witnessed and you definitely didn’t have a way to know they were antagonists at the moment. Acting like the HoS field executed helpless people is potentially justifiable if you didn’t know they were hostile themselves.

However, zombies are mindless and hostile threats, and were threats to the station as a whole and yet your focus remains on primarily the HoS. This is the real downfall of this report - and you can’t seriously tell me you have difficulty identifying zombies even as an AI. You know this game way better than to try pulling that one.


Report comes off biased, and so does your gameplay as AI. In general, no the HoS should not have sought to kill the AI for following laws, but whether that’s really what you were doing as opposed to carrying out a metagrudge is pretty difficult to say from what went down. You went out of your way to excessively target the HoS over the presence of Zombies, very much as the HoS did against the BBs in the armory.

Logs point to shittery well enough for no action to be taken on the HoS in this case, regardless of who it may have been. Since it was an admin, this is a collective decision by the Head Admins.

Report Rejected