Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Global
Which server did the ban happen on? Sage
Ban Type: Server
Ban Length: Permanently
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 2020/05/05
Round ID: 15534
Ban Reason:
Appeal Reason: Took a short break from SS13, here for a note check-up. No new ERP related notes, anywhere! Phew. I’m not here to defend my actions, I’ve made that point clear from the very beginning that I don’t want to defend myself, having not brought up a shield once.
It’s been called that I have a previous ERP note. Which, I guess. It was Vexy telling me to go to LRP if I wanna say stupid LRP terms like sex and cum, shit that gets said on LRP. Which I never repeated.
Thought that was a role-play note, not an erotic related one. Only note that comes to mind, if I have another I don’t mind it being shown. Hell, show all my notes.
Additional Information: I want to see the Discord, that’s honestly more important. NSV’s fun, play it more.
Ehhhhhhhhh, maybe. Depends on what @GameAdmin says. For consistency you should be unbanned on thin ice but I kept hearing about you getting banned on BoomerStation and other places recently.
Zero tolerance is less the issue than “Unappealable”.
Zero Tolerance means we ban for even minor infractions - non-explicit ERP still treated as ERP and ban issued for it.
Unappealable means the ban should never be removed under any circumstances.
The rule was always supposed to have been zero tolerance, but wasn’t listed as unappealable until after this incident. Unappealable is also the major issue most I’ve seen have with it - it means no second chances if you mess up once even slightly.
Any allowance of an appeal for something listed as unappealable has to fall under:
1. Admin Discretion
Admins have the authority to ‘ignore’ rules when they feel it’s in the best interest of the server/playerbase. They will, however, be fully accountable for their actions.
So let me get this straight, you don’t want “the chiddren” to be exposed to racism, but you want the people who have over 1,000 hours softcore ERPing with each other back. This is AFTER you purge the library of all the naughty books.
wow this makes sesne. ss13 is happy to “float”, yet people are being banned left and right.
you chase out the stable playerbase that would play this game till their demise, and replace it with people that are no way near the big fans of the game as the other people did. imo
The “unappealable” part is the only new part of the rule. ERP has ALWAYS been a permanent ban. The only two people that I know that have ERP notes and aren’t currently banned are both former admins.
This is so painfully stupid I’m amazed. “No, we can’t ban people for ERPing around minors because it’s a low pop game. But ban all the mean nasty internet racists.”
I’d rather have transient people who all play nice with each other than a group of hardcore shitlers.
Admins try our best to be unbiased. We generally want “a good server” overall rather than a meta friend gang of people that regularly play but cause havoc each day.
It’s not some special super club to say “hey I’ve got 1 billion hours here”. Ok good for you thanks for playing bro hope you had as much fun as the guy that just joined and set their hair on fire trying to smoke.