can I get some answers as to why discussion is discouraged so vehemently on beestation forums ? there are a lot of people just shitting around this place, destroying anyone’s chance at having a conversation. anyone want to comment, talk about it ?
is it pride ? are you all just bullying each other into thinking this game is perfect ?
Discussion is fine. You’ve posted your thoughts and opinions and they were disagreed with nearly unanimously. You continued to insist you were right and that melee is not properly balanced despite this.
The game isn’t perfect but you are nearly alone in thinking melee damage numbers need adjustment. You have fought and beaten that dead horse to the point you are difficult to take seriously. Especially when you post and ask for such an extreme numbers difference from what the game currently has and functions, contrary to your personal beliefs, very well with
The forums are more than capable of having fruitful discussions, even with opposing sides. A single thread about the state of MRP got 200 posts in one day.
what you all are doing right now is supporting rape. there is no real way to stop antags. the only way is if an antag makes a mistake.
there is no game, the antags win, the crewmen are there to be tortured. no game. only rape.
why does denice not like you, why am I disgusted by your lack of basic logic? there isn’t a game to play right now. if you play antag right you CANT lose.
there is no “play smart” there is only “get the bigger gun.” most of the argument against me is “why don’t you go find the bigger gun” or “why don’t you run away” I sure do both of those. because you cant do anything else. that is the entire game. cower in a corner and wait to be raped. that is space station 13 right now.
the absolute lack of any ability to fight outside of being a head or sec is a real problem. we have problems with shitsec, we have problems with shitsec dying to the antags. when sec is dead and or the heads converted there is NOTHING anyone can do.
You fool, you fell victim to one of the classic blunders. You responded and now have started them on the same old tired junk. They weren’t actually asking why no one was talking with them, they were waiting for literally anyone to post so they could engage.
I’m still waiting for someone to explain themselves. is there something I’m missing ? what is the answer to the problem. the problem that space station 13 is a great space station simulator wrapped up in a farce of a game. I am happy to stay for the station. the coding there is great. I just want to know what the people are supposed to do. can someone answer the question, how do we keep the station safe ? is it possible or are we playing something that isn’t winnable ? are we wasting our time ?
this . game . is . a . rape . simulator . you . are . remembering . things . that . are . rape . there . are . no . good . memories . only . times . when . you . can . pretend . this . game . is . good .
Stop beating that dead horse I mentioned earlier. Again, if you don’t like the game, you’re free to find another one.
Your threads about this topic are flame bait at best by this point. Stop attacking people for disagreeing, stop inciting people to disagree with you and stop acting like you’re the one being attacked.
Post about literally anything else. Shitpost about how great spears are or your magic behind making them and carrying the supplies in an artistic toolbox.
Just stop posting about melee balance for the love of god