why is there a sudden influx of admeme applications?
If you want my reasons:
Influx of unresolved player reports.
Caecilius said I had a moderate chance of being accepted.
Tyranic went for it so I went “fuck it, why not?”
Mainly the unresolved player reports, though. It’s saddening and I genuinely just want to help.
There is a power vacuum and people can smell it
Okay, let’s take off tinfoil hats. Thank you.
Nah, let him have it. It’s funny.
When you reach a certain level of admemery, they turn you into a gondola. They want to bring you into this zenlike state.
Irl picture of the current admins when I expose the truth.
Because we need more.
Also, I uh, added a little somethin’ extra to your OP.
Oh wow crossed, that’s amazing
wait what did you do?
But really, Crossed has been injecting our food with something weird recently. I can’t exactly tell, but I feel likbzz like sombbzz something is bz I love crossed and bzzstation, vote Crossed for host!