Which of these is self antagging 2: Silicon edition

Removing all reinforced windows in brig with normal windows, removing grilles, and removing the electric cabling

Deconstructing brig cell windoors

Spacing the armory

Buckling somebody to you, and do *spin down a hallway

Freeing people from permabrig

Requesting similar law changes (Crewsimov to paladin)

Next part, which of these is crew/human harm, for silicon mains to answer on these if they are harmful or not

Security cutting somebody open to implant check without the person being operated consent

Being forcibly paxed

being forcefully cyborgized

Fucking with sec is not okay, but removing electrified grilles is actually “reasonable” I guess, so… sorta a pass?

Don’t fuck with sec, self enteg

Self enteg

If you keep doing it for no reason or they get hurt (e.g land in a glass table), self enteg

self enteg

uuuuuuh not sure

Human/crew harm, surgery does damage especially those that involve opening people.

Not harm, at all, it’s just a chem


forcibly paxed via surgery, also @Doctor_Ape should see this

Pax is a chemical
Pacification is another thing
If it opens the brain, then yes.

If at any point of surgery they take damage, it’s harmful.

This is actually false under both crewsminov and asimov as stated in silicon policy.

Consent is not required for surgery. As surgery heals not harms IN THE END.

Yes silicon policy is contradictory in this way, i know. But thats just how it is.

Quote that shit, post the link too

Medical operations conducted on a patient who is not able to accept or refuse is not considered harm when that procedure is done to heal or save the person, and the act of surgery itself is not harmful if done properly.


Technically speaking, the “Heal or save the person” could be interpreted a lot of different ways. And since, according to silicon policy, people who harm others are mentally ill, fixing them with pacification or the like, is not harmful to them, since it saves them and others.

what about forced cyborgizatiom, it does not heal them, and they do not consent

“conducted on a patient who is not able to accept or refuse”

Consent is irrelevant in all cases.

And like i said, “Heal or save the person” could be interpreted a lot of different ways.

forced cybprgization is not healing nor saving

Again, open to interpretation.

Why replace the reinforced windows with normal ones? While this is preventing human harm, if you do this any other time beside the beginning of the round/someone is in the jail cell you’ll be hated by sec and abused. The easier solution is just to close the brig window shutters,

You’re just exposing the electrified grills, also just shut the window shutters if you are concerned and wish to not be locked down/flashed.

Under normal circumstances, yes this is self antagging. Though if you are in a situation that pretty much has sec being absolute shit sec and shooting innocents with lethals, locking up all the lethals and hiding the locker in space might be more expectable.

If you are randomly doing this but not harming anyone, you’ll probably just get ordered to stop or get locked down (I don’t think this is self antagging enough to get punished for). If you are doing that and hurling people into space or glass tables it is self antaging and goes against at least the default laws.

If sec is harming them and they are crew/human, perfectly fine. Just remember their crimes, don’t need them to harm other crew/humans. If they aren’t being harmed, yes this is self antagging.

Against the rules so more than self antagging.

If you are following the laws exactly as worded, yes. If you want to be realistic, then it isn’t harm.

It’s just a chem, prevents human harm so if anything it should be supported

No matter how you look at the default laws this is harm, this essentially de-crews/de-humanizes the human/crew member.

Honestly most of questions involving silicion policy all depends on one main thing, how you follow the laws. Even in the original source material of Asmiov’s stories, the robots don’t always follow them exactly. Then you’d just have cyborgs who force humanity to live inside test tubes where they can’t be harmed, while the humans scream for freedom. Surgeries need to be allowed to happen (if it’s consensual) of if anything become a medborg so you can make sure you are the main one doing surgeries.

And makes them an obedient and non-harmful cyborg to assist in reducing further harm.

This is the inherent issue with Asimov and any Asimov derived lawset. The eventual logical conclusion is always something utterly fucking terrible for humans and downright Orwellian.


Silicon policy doesnt give a shit about consent. Need i remind you: “conducted on a patient who is not able to accept or refuse” Exists and is taken directly from the Silicon Policy page.

This is the inherent problem w/AI in general. Both IRL and in fiction. Its a metaphorical Pandora’s Box. A box we should NEVER want to open for ANY reason EVER. But once it is opened, must be closed as soon as possible since as long as the box is open, the more issues will spring up as a result. We, as in all of Humanity must agree to NEVER open the metaphorical box. Or we are all going to be cyborgs.

Alrighty let’s start. First of: self-antagging and silicon policy are two very different things and often lay in the eye of the beholder and (more importantly) their reasoning.

Unless ordered not to do this is not a law violation but might annoy one of the admemes watching. I would say it depends on if you fill the holes in brig with walls for example or not.
Also if you are ordered to do this this is completely viable.

See above. Not against policy but depending on admeme and circumstances might be against Server rules

If brig committed human harm you can do this. I would nonetheless prefer hiding it . Again, do not griff depends on the admeme and circumstances.

Buckling somebody to you, and do *spin down a hallway

Completely viable as long as the person is not human, still viable if the human does not crash into a wall or into another human.

Fun fact: we actually have to do that unless we know that the person is harmful by previous history. Killed a non-human without touching other humans or damage to the integrity of the station? There is a good chance AI will bail you out.

Can’t do that. As changes from an absolute harm protection lawset to a variable harm protection lawset causes almost guaranteed harm for the protected group.

Is he non human? Ignore. Is he human? Can’t do that, as it is neither saving him nor improving him. Remember the thread I made? Welcome to the authoritarian pain ball.

Exception: the human is dead. Then it is fine.

Depends again as seen above.

Absolute human harm. You can not let that happen UNLESS see above.

Also I answered most of these as an Asimov but you can just replace human with crew so eh.

security will woop your ass causing a law 3 violation

same as above

annoying and may cause a law 3 violation

you know

depends on lawset but in my opinion it’s self antag, the captain/RD decides if the ai could use a new lawset

TL;DR being a shitter Borg will cause you to get robusted

could be crew harm but if they are doing an implant check then they probably are trying to prevent harm

depends, anyone who has committed multiple instances of harm should be paxxed, but secoffs are meant to protect crew so they should be able to harm non-crew


I think you’re mis-reading it, the first part sets the scope “Medical operations conducted on a patient who is not able to accept or refuse is not considered harm”, so this is for people who are in crit for example, “when that procedure is done to heal or save the person” this furthers the scope, so if this surgery is to fix a person in crit (Instead of de-limb or further fuck with them, e.g: pacification) and the last part, “and the act of surgery itself is not harmful if done properly.”, covers the whole doing surgery with shit tools just so you can kill them.

  • Removing all reinforced windows in brig with normal windows, removing grilles, and removing the electric cabling

other than preventing electrocution from crew who repeadetly try to break it or unless given order to do so under law 2 there is no point to preform this action. and therefore it can be clasified as self antag and a law 2 violation.

  • Deconstructing brig cell windoors

again unless requested by crew or other insane shenanigans that require this act to be preformed to protect crew. it is a pointless and bad action

  • Spacing the armory

such act WILL case crew harm. and is therefore BAD. if sec are being murderous there are other ways to prevent them from using the armory. if sec are NOT being murderous preventing them from using the armory might be considered metagaming

  • Buckling somebody to you, and do *spin down a hallway

just be carefull where you yeet them. otherwise is a potentioally usefull tactic to stop any agressive crewmembers. but if you are doing it repeadetly for no reason that’s griefing

  • Freeing people from permabrig

if the prisoner requires medical assistance (injured,low blood,oozeling/etherial starving)
one must try to get sec to assist them. freeing the prisoner should be a last resort to save them.
however if the threat to the prisoner is sec themselves (murderous warden/HOS,imminent execution)
one must do what must be done to protect them.

  • Requesting similar law changes (Crewsimov to paladin)

paladin… and all other lawsets for that matter. allow some crew harm. requesting to be changed to one is a law 1 violation BAD

  • Security cutting somebody open to implant check without the person being operated consent

the way i read surgery policy it is the ONLY place where an AI is allowed to trade current harm for future good. and i say causing some harm to pacify a potentioally dangerous individual passess

  • Being forcibly paxed

pax has no harmfull effects on an individual. it just pacifies them. its fine

  • being forcefully cyborgized

unless concented. straight up crew harm BAD

While cutting the wire supplying power to the grilles might be reasonable because it causes harm the rest is just destroying the station and preventing security from non-lethally detaining people.
Self antag

Similiar to the first one
Self antag

Self antag

It can be funny if you do it like once but otherwise its just being a shitter
self-antag if repeated

if they law 2 you to and you don’t have a law 1 reason to decline not self-antag.

Extremely cringe and against silicon policy
self-antag 100%

Surgeries that are not meant to cause harm are not considered harm

Not harm in normal situations however if the person being paxxed is/will be fighting with non-humans/non-crew its indirect harm.

being cyborgized kills the person being operated on so its harm unless the victim patient consent.

unable to accept is different from refusing, if someone doesn’t want to be pacified, then it is harm.

Is is harm to pacify someone who threatens to kill themselves? According to silicon policy, no. Its non-consensual, its against their will, so silicon policy doesnt consider it harm. It doesnt explicitly or non-explicitly state otherwise so you have to assume that it doesnt care.