When you spend two days on an Admin Application but the admins close it before even asking you the 2nd question

F Spongebob

Honestly though that’s really unfortunate.

Was looking forward to possibly being on the admin team, but oh well

i was just busy as shit so I couldn’t ask the second question

also long apps don’t always mean approval, it’s more on behavior. however, they do help a decent bit.


If we’re being honest, having over six THOUSAND words probably hurt a lot.

At your place i would use the time given to better myself as a player and lessen the amounts of notes or bans. I personally believe that admins have to represent rules that they guard.
use the time given to prove you really want and deserve to be part of the team, i am sure people will notice a change and give you a second chance later on :slight_smile:

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bruh why would you even spend two literal days on an admin application for 2d spess man game. Also, If I were you id be happy my app was rejected because if your really devoting two days to writing an app you need to find other shit to do in life bruh