What's your favorite map and why?

metastation has a mining hardsuit for QM and isn’t fland

Meta is direct, simple, easy to remember. I can play meta with my eyes closed and reach any part of the station without issue.

Big ≠ good in many cases, my main dislike for fland is how unnecessarily large it is, and kilo for how tiny it is. Other maps like Delta just have clunky layouts, some parts are good others are terrible etc.

Metastation should be a base blueprint for every other map.

I like pubby because of the TEG, that’s pretty much it.

Fland is great at storytelling through environment. From the repurposed Syndicate barracks, to the mish-mash of design principles, Fland offers a niche story around every corner.

Fland is a hollowed out asteroid, and it rocks it’s look perfectly. Unlike Kilo, there is a rock around every corner (also you can blow up parts of the station with just a pickaxe, hehe).

Fland’s catwalks over wires are pretty smart and add a needed bit of detail to as bare an area as maint.

It also has a lobster hat for the Clown, which is an instant win.


Fland is the best for feel and atmosphere, while delta is the best for mechanical play. Fland is good because of the above comment, while delta has maximum utility per area.


meta. familiarity. ​​​​​​​​​

I like that there is maint access to almost everywhere. Gives antags more options.

Until every other station has a Mining shuttle as awesome as Box station’s, I always enjoy working on Box station

where is corg WHERE is the COrg Station???


Fuck, I knew I was missing something.
Is corg even in rotation right now?

If i remember correctly, corg is no longer in rotation.

Fland is My favorite. Although I figure a lot of people already know that.

I agree with a lot of people that each map bar Pubby and Meta have really fantastic traits about them that only they can hold. Delta & Box have Extremely wonderful layouts that also properly accommodate each department. I love the Fused together kitchen and bar in Box, It allows you to serve up some of chef’s dishes, and if the chef is willing, to basically run the place like a legit restaurant. Fland and Kilo have Peak Aesthetics.

Funnily enough though, Fland’s my favorite because it fuses the best things I love about Delta and Box with creative twists on station layout and brilliant aesthetics that only Kilo and Fland currently possess. If Beestation were to continue on with going in it’s own artistic direction, Kilo and Fland are good places to take pointers.

I don’t care what people say about the mildly confusing layout of Fland. A Centralized Sec department works really well, and the fact that most of the departments bar Service and Engineering have 2 entrance points is also really really handy.

Kilo’s nice because it’s not too claustrophobic - it’d feel more sterile and claustrophobic were it with the same designs as Box, Fland, or Meta.

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I don’t see Tubestation on this list, I already know it will have my vote.


i really like Kilo station as it has a comfy and compact feeling also because it was the station i played on the most in my starting days

Favourite: Fland! It has a lot of QoL changes that feel great. One of the best for social areas. The bar and kitchen lounge has more character than most maps. I get lost a lot because it’s so new.

Least Favourite: Meta. It has real bad lighting. At the bar it’s to the point where 70% of bar and kitchen are opaque black during night lighting. Bar counter has 1 tube light, kitchen processor has 1 tube light. Zero lights between them. :C


Tubestation isnt playable yet.

I really like the layout of Box, thats kinda all of it!

It probably won’t ever be playable but I think it’s up to Loll when he’s done mapping it

Deltastation, has good engineering

-engineer main

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