[what's a CKEY] Player Report

Your Discord: lemon#7359
Offender’s CKEY: he never told me, i never asked :flushed:
LRP or MRP server: the better one (golden)
Offender’s In-Game Name: Don Arbuckle
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 06.26.2020
Round Number:17696
Rules Broken: don’t kill 4noraisin (or 4badraisin)
Incident Description:
It all started near the auxilary tool storage, or whatever the fuck that room is called.
I got bola’d and disablered by Don Armbuckl’e for breaking a window into said room. He took me to brig, said “1m” and proceeded to waste at least 3 times more time (that’s 3 minutes!) before actually starting the clock. I, being a proud cock, did not like it, so i came up with a devious plan to have my revenge: slip security and fry their guns.
I broke another window and started executing my plan.

Nothing interesting all in all, i fried 1 riot shield, 3 eguns and a pair of gloves of north star, stole a piece of grilled monkey meat (and fried it too), almost got my ass buckled to a bed in perma because byond lag machine, ran around a bit, heard Don throwing death threats at me, had a fight with him in medbay (a bit of context: I disarmed Don after he lasered a random assistant, to which he replied with more lasers) and, finally, succumbed to Rebel Trouble wielding a temperature gun and a riot suit, as usual.
Don Arbuclke drives me into softcrit with his stunbaton, i get hit by lethal injection syringe(probably the other way, i had space lag at that moment) and drags me off to security, where i quickly die. After that he drags me around a bit, drags to perma, drags out of perma, cleans my dead head in dorms’ toilet (how kind of him) and finally leaves me there, running away in a hurry to get to the escape shuttle.

tl;dr: i get arrested for breaking a window into a non-important room because “muh spacelaw”,
in response to i fry shitsec guns, in responce to i get death.

The part i disagree with is the killing part btw.

Additional Information

^the room i maliciously raided for metal in the beginning^

^thanks meth^

^the part where i get tired of this shit^


^the part where i get injected with AIDS^
^the part where AIDS kills me^

Additional Additional Information

mfw i fry eguns and a tot item the shitsecs planned to use

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gonna post it as a separate comment, so it doesn’t get too cluttered:
After i fried the riot shield the very same sec came after me dual-wielding the fucking eguns. Not sure if this is important, probably not.

this isnt for no rasin you stole half armory to deepfry it bruh

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3 eguns is not half armory bro. . . . . . . . . .

its almost all the eguns doe

Breaking into the armory makes you valid though bruh

Pretty based Don dabbed on you though, how did you manage that lmao.


i didn’t break in the armory, we just had the kidnest security that did not approve violence and thus decided to bring their weaponry to me so i can deepfry it in the sign of peace and friendship.

jk i only medium-fried them

steals 3 eguns and destorys them and then gets killed, where did the dude break rules.

Uncommon items that can be quickly replaced should not be escalated to OOC, but if it is a direct inconvenience or they have no purpose to steal said item, it may be treated as self antag.

stole guns deep fried and you are then valid on lrp

a reminder that this whole thing would not have happened if Don decided not to arrest me for "1m"© and keep me in the brig for 3-5 minutes.

edit: and also if he didn’t actively pursue me after the riot shield friening, i would stop at a single egun and probably a stunbaton.

Trespassing into the armory makes you valid salad, mostly towards security and such. I’m mostly wondering though who initially had the HoS gun that’s fired in the screenshot :eyes:

But you broke some window. It’s shitty that he arrested you but Don be like that. Breaking into the armory in response makes you perfectly valid on LRP.

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the furthest i got in the brig was just the main brig corridor
never even thought (honestly!) of purposely breaking into armory, cuz that is purposely being a shithead, which isn’t that fun.
also i had no tools

Oh sorry my bad dude. Misread it due to comments too. Still stealing all their guns and deepfrying it is sort of setting you up for the result you got.

You could’ve fought back and won but instead you lost. It do be like that sometimes. This just seems IC imo.

*edit: or unless jannies post some dank logs

i don’t really consider stealing 3 eguns and making them into chad sustenance that bad in the context of shuttle being 3 minutes away (at the moment of getting lethal syringed) from arriving to the station.

Shuttle time has little to do with shit, there’s alot more that can go down during that and during the actual evacuation.

I would’ve said GG on the deepfrying of the guns and especially the northstar gloves cause that probably made them fume lmao. But then you done did reported after doing that bruh.

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only because it felt kinda cheap to get lethaled the moment i met them in the halls
too cheap even for lrp

Do you like to be kissed first before don fucks you? image


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NGL, I’d dab on you for frying eguns.