What the actual fuck part 2: the new beggining

Discord ID: BettonnCZ#9141

Admin Discord ID:

Ban Type: permanent

Ban Length: permanent

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 7.30.2020

Ban Reason: trying to bait out further drama by harassing xdyou

Appeal Reason: what.

Making a meme is harassment?
And what’s harassment about the first picture. I don’t get it.
Additional Information: this appeal was made because my last one was universaly ignored and I got no clear answer about what i did to continue the drama, except for the meme and those 2 sentences. i would like for ruko to re-evaluate whats harassment and extension of drama, and whats not. making a meme is just my way of expression, if you got any problem with that, thats having a problem with the freedom of expression.


Addendum: i want no peanut gallery here again, like the last post, just rukos explanation, and if it gots denied, the length of my ban.

Your last appeal was denied just 2 days ago.

yea it was not

Bruh then why make a new one, just bump the last one

as i stated, it was ignored, ruko didnt even bother and it turned in to a peanut gallery
so making a fresh one MIGHT even encourage him to respond with answers

Ugh. I’ll allow you to maintain this new appeal, but please don’t make a habit of this. If you try and start yet another thread we will just merge it into this one. I’m going to close your prior attempt and link back to this one.

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based and cool
20 char

From the prior thread:

We were awaiting added input from the other admins.

which never came, also the way ruko puts it is really foggy. he didnt even say which part of my stuff is “continuing the shitshow”.

wow, i called him a cunt. i got better provoking tactics, you think of me so badly :frowning:

What reaction do you expect to get pinging someone and mocking them when the prior issue has already gone so far you had to get an admin involved to stop it? You expect it to magically not induce more drama this time?

Sure he can just block you, but you’re pushing the issue so far you expect him to block you intentionally - that’s harassment. The salt mines is a place for venting frustration and dump salty feelings, not trying to provoke more salt out of people.

I was waiting for input from others and that’s where this will sit until I get it.

syndi told me there is a cunt that does unbased, sent me the screenshots of him acting like an asshole, so i DM’d him and tried to get to know whats up, i mistook him for admin because the new role colors mumbo jumbo, but he was a mentor, which him actin like that makes me pretty angery. me calling anyone a cunt isnt mocking, i can call cunt whoever whenever. he told me to kill my self after 4 sentences. also the stuff in salt mines: i found out xdyou was dementored and muted, was happy, that the first sentence i ever told him, then i made a meme, that was the 2nd sentence, IN TOTAL OF 6 SENTENCES, were said to him by me. HOW IS THAT HARASSMENT. it didnt even continue any drama, because I WASNT TRYING TO. harassment it like constant spam of shit and stuff, calling someone a cunt and making a meme isnt. i made the meme because it was pretty funny how he was shitting in his own mouth, so instead of verbally expressing it, i jsut made a funny picture.

ah i don goofed, its 7 instead of 6, im really sorry.

yes? there are 4 strings of text
its literally counted
i was proving that i wasnt spamming him or anything

And you got a response you were so offended by that you had to report it, then took the results of that report to continue despite being so offended.

There is not spam requirement before something is harassment. The report should have been the end of it.

so you say i harassed the suicide shit out of him by calling im a cunt? yea right.

No, it was uncalled for and that’s a part of why he was punished, however it was mostly his back and forth between Syndi.

The issue here is that you kept going.

Please no fighting, if you promise to stop petty squabbles I will support the decision to unban you.