What are your least favorite/least played roles?

Opposite of your favorite roles. What roles have you played the least of?

I think I have hundreds of hours playing engineering but only have 2 hours total for science so that would be my least played.

My least favorite is chemistry, seems very tedious.

Btw, Is there a way to actually check hours?

use ?player on the discord or go to the OOC tab in game and hit view-tracked-playtime

My least played role is unironically paramedic
160 hours on CMO, none on paramed
fuck paramedic players

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Bartender and chef.

Bartender because i refuse to learn the drink recipes besides the ones people ask for the most.

Chef because i actually have to make edible food and not American food…

(Edit: If you dont get the joke. The stereotype is that American food is all deep fried, overly salty or surgary, and tastes and looks terrible. I cant say i disagree with this estimate considering what people who arent from my area eat every single day but still.)

Atmospheric Technician.

I still don’t fully understand why they exist as their own job instead of just expanding the engineers to a few more slots.

It’s like if cargo had an additional job specifically for delivering crates, or if medbay had a job exclusively for cloning people that did nothing else.


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-space station
-atmospheric technician

I am disappointed… (am atmos main)

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I like engineering about as much as medbay. Atmos techs feel vestigial when engineers are expected to repair breaches, machines, set up and maintain power… and Atmos tech is expected to turn some pumps to a higher setting and then fuck around with a pointless fusion mechanic for the rest of the round.

Nobody expects atmos techs to do much of anything, and they have no duties that an engineer isn’t also expected to do themselves.

B-but… Its one of the hardest jobs! :pleading_face:

Paramedic is hard mode medbay.
Not only you actually search for dead crew and risk your life meeting a traitor as the first responder, you also have to deal with shit medbay.

Medbay has no doctors? Time to do surgery as a paramedic.
No mats to print new organs, patient is husk and there is no synth, defib is still in the locker and you have no access to it, malf ai disabling your APC? Deal with it.

I bet an average paramedic main is better at medbay than a CMO main like you

yes I got triggered


This dude has apparently never heard of what Parameds do…despite being a headmin.

Im sorry what…? Most engis are complete morons when it comes to actually fixing anything.

They are the ones that go do autism projects w/the CE leaving us Atmos techs to actually do all the real fucking work. Half our jobs is fixing all the mistakes the engis make.

Engis will usually go and fix the hole. And then just leave. Not bothering with anything else. So us atmos techs have to finish the job.

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He’s talking about what the job’s supposed to do, not what the people who play the job actually does

Atmos is kind of redundant as a job

Sounds like a pretty bad paramedic to me lol

Medbay has redundancy between doctors and paramedics too, since they both do roughly the same thing - one is intended to stay in medbay and the other is intended to operate outside of it.

Happens both ways roughly equally. My point isn’t that “all atmos techs are bad”, my point is “Atmos tech is a redundant job with no intended functions that aren’t part of the engineer’s package anyway”

That was in reference to the only thing that parameds actually do…which is clone people. Seriously, its always the first thing i see parameds do.

Ik this doesnt apply to all of them but the only parameds i see are the ones that do it.

Good luck retraining all engis mains who have never touched atmos to also maintain a system that barely functions in an even slightly efficient manner roundstart. They arent wrench monkeys. They are welder junkies

Bad paramedics, yeah. Same thing for doctors that don’t know how to do anything but cloning lol

Paramedics and medical doctors have the same access sans EVA. MDs even get maint for some reason.

There is no reason to pick paramedic, ever.

Want to EVA? Grab cryodone like a chad and wear a firesuit. Oh wow I needed EVA access for that, if only I was a useless paramedic!

(remove paramedic)

No. (insert 20 letters here)

counterpoint: paramedic got drip


Paramedic is more than just a role. It is a statement: “I am going to save your ass from maint, maybe even fight antags on the way”. It is the big dick class of medbay.


Viro sux