What abductors tell us about the server

Ive made a thread about people who ignore abductee objectives earlier, but I thought Id bring this up again, because last time the tread turned into general antag RP discussion. This time its about abuctees specifically.

Why are their objectives not like hypnoflashes? Both of them are brainwashing, and both of them result in them helping the antag brainwashing them (either directly by obeying the traitor, or indirectly by stealing soap bars instead of hunting aliens). It makes 0 sense RP wise, and yet its only bwoinkable to ignore one of them.

People often say abductors arent fun because there is no way to counter them. They get stunbatonged and fall asleep for 10 minutes. Then they wake up and since they didnt like their objective anyways they just see it as a waste of time and proceed to salt in EORG dchat.

Should ayys be reworked? Perhaps let them set custom objectives, though it would be difficult to make them enter directives that arent just “obey the aliens”. Ive seen the nerf PR requests, and dont get me wrong, Im glad they got denied. This isnt baystation. But theres gotta be a way to make the funny grey people not cause dchat to seethe by the end of every round they appear, and without invoking the plannedemic meme.

Abductees really do show this servers true colors. Which is that many arent actually interested in RPing, and will only put in the bare minimum to not get bwoinked. Maybe its just a playerbase issue, but you can say this about basically everything. Id like to hear your thoughts on it.


I’ll be honest. It needs to be more customizable somehow.
I for one really don’t care for doing the same “THE HAIR IS PARASITES!!” hypnotizing gimmick over and over again.
And, unlike traitors, there is NO setup or skill required to get hypnotized.
At the very bare minimum for traitors, it requires them to drug you up to get you sleepy and to flash you, and usually, even if it’s just being loyal to that player, it is still more interesting and fun than, well, acting like a crazy person talking nonsense or doing very oddly specific and not fun stuff (i.e.: talking in movie quotes only.)


Should ayys be reworked?


theres gotta be a way to make the funny grey people not cause dchat to seethe by the end of every round they appear

Abductee Objectives are good, it’s a shame people ignore them and still focus on their autismo fort without changing the round or interacting in a fun way

Abductees really do show this servers true colors.



ah yes the objective that encourages you to foce a shuttle call sure is great. nothing’s better than having to end a round on purpose.
i find the random organs pretty fun since they make some fun situations but getting stunned for such a long time with literally nothing to do is so god damn irritating. i’d rather have their batons stamina crit you so at least you can trash talk the ayys or something while waiting for your surgery to be done


Saw a guy recently get objective to paint the station red. He succeeded gloriously, props to him.


With how alot of abductors treat their role as a scoreboard. Giving them more power over actions of others via custom objectives would probably be a mistake… Even ridged enforcement of the current objectives would likely grind the rounds to a halt as they promote you to cut off and act insane or complete an impossible task.
Sec or med dont bother detaining those who show erratic behaviour (if they haven’t already been 1 tapped themselves…)
Some of the objectives are basically ignorable (ignore patterns containing X, talk in haiku or rhyme)
On the other hand. Objectives say to “steal everything of X” “Paint the station X” “Outright capture another person” can cause entire departments at a time to fail as the Ayys start to snowball and rack up more victims.

If you want to enforce objective completion so that they are priority one then at least make sure the rounds don’t just stall out because no one can effectively do anything from 3 stacked debuffs (antag or crew) or make them their own gamemode… Id say they can be just as if not more disruptive than Wiz is due to 1 shot potential. stacked debuffs on victims and difficulty to pin down and kill.
This also means that crew can work against them rather than just being blindsided while trying to deal with something else then dying to another antag as you convulse on the floor.

Brainwashing crew to help ayys has been done manually in the past by ayys who decon their own tools for alien tech and print surgery computers… but to be honest… do Ayys REALLY need help completing their objectives?

Probably true

However… Not everyone is capable nor willing to 180 their character on a dime and play like a moron for 50 min for the 10th time that week. Personally, its a draining experience being told “Act insane” especially when it pulls you away from something you were actively doing.

And no… I don’t think its the same as other brainwash/conversion tasks. While they give you objectives aswell. you know what they are going in, they never change and you can still act like a “normal” person who isn’t just meant to be a laughing stock.

Yes. I am clearly biased, I see this as one of the worst antags in the game. Take that how you will.


I’d love for them to be removed. I dont think there is any way to make them fun for anyone other than the agent. They make the game miserable for anyone else.




i’d rather have their batons stamina crit you so at least you can trash talk the ayys or something while waiting for your surgery to be done

You’re not supposed to know about being abducted and operated on so that’s why the sleep baton mode is there AFAIK


The game isn’t always meant to be in your side


your memory is “wiped” via large red flavor text in chat when thrown into the processor.
Same time that you are sent back and objective and brain trauma is given.

I mean… yeah… but theres a difference between a one sided role and the thrill that each side gets out of it.

Agent has a relatively stress free time as they have near perfect chameleon and melee capabilities as well as a free out. Seems extremely fun to play as.

On the crew side. You get to live in paranoia for the rest of the round. Get 1 tapped by a random person that walks past you anyway. round removed for a short while then thrown back with 2 hard to treat stacked debuffs (some of which outright kill you, which I would call a blessing…) and a gimmick you didn’t ask for.


As a cultist you aren’t asleep for the whole round and yet you’re still meant to forget your whole time as one. Even while asleep you can still see the aliens so if someone’s not gonna follow the forgetting rule then not being a sleep wouldn’t change much. Also you’re pretty petty to correct my typo before addressing what i said

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Resident antag hater here. While most of the distain I have for other antagonists comes from their lack of balance, abductors… barely affect the game in any way. There’s virtually no way for security to chase an antagonist that is constantly teleporting in and out of the station. Medical gets overrun and needs to pretty much constantly print mechanical hearts (if they’re competent enough to KNOW they need hearts). Anyone who gets caught by the roleplayless walk-stun-sleep combo is unable to play for the next ten minutes, then forced to deal with a deep-rooted brain trauma (which often escalates to a permanent trauma because funny lobotomy) and an obnoxious, shitty heart-replacing organ that ranges from mildly useful to round ruining.

And to get both of those fixed, you have to hope the medical staff are remotely competent and not getting swarmed with patients, both of which are sadly a rarity. Every time I’ve had to deal with an alien organ ingame, the medical staff literally kicked me out of medical because they didn’t know how to fix the fact that I was spitting out non-hostile slimes, and I couldn’t communicate a thing due to my deep-rooted trauma fucking everything I said up.

As for roleplay; abductee objectives are fun, others are obnoxious as shit and completely change the trajectory of your round. It’s also really fun when an abductor decides to pick you right as the shuttle gets called or some other event occurs so you accomplish any of the plans you had or even engage with your abductee objective in time. The abductors themselves basically can’t roleplay at all, because they literally cannot speak to humans in any way (and often times wouldn’t want to, anyways). Overall, while most antags can be fixed by just balance changes alone, abductors are inherently flawed and need either a complete rework or complete removal.

This is a ridiculous argument. The game isn’t meant to be on your side, nor is it meant to be fun for one uncounterable antagonist and horrible for however many crew get captured. The game isn’t meant to be on your side, nor is it meant to be a walk-up-and-click-thrice simulator. It’s a damn roleplay game, and the antagonist is inherently jarring to that experience. “Not on your side” is not supposed to mean horribly unfun.


Okay, I keep seeing people argue for the removal, or nerf, of abductors.

I instead suggest a buff of a few specific things, and i’ll explain a lot of what i like about abductors and what i think causes the dislikes.

Keep in mind, just basic ideas.

click to expand

-Remove the brain trauma you get on top of the heart/objective. it’s meaningless, and sometimes just makes your round worse. Fuck that.

  • Make the surgeries faster. Maybe provide them with a tool they can buy after 3 or 4 experiments that allows them to bypass the normal surgery (say normal surgery takes 20 seconds to do, switching tools and all. This would be a one click tool taking 15 seconds, that will allow to do this fast and without fumbling). Allows them to choose between economizing in case the agent inevitably loses his batong, or going for rapidity and efficiency.

  • Add more gimmicks for the abductees.

  • Allow abductors to choose from a list of gimmicks, when sending people down. Right now, the three buttons have no actual meaningful function (dissect, probe, analyze iirc), but instead make them all have 3 randomly chosen abductee gimmicks, which you can choose one of, before they get randomized for the next abductee you put in there.
    This one’s debatable. Some could argue it’d be great to allow for everyone to have different gimmicks, but it could also mean cunt abductors will use this to choose the worst gimmicks of them. But, abductors can choose organs, which can have worse effects than our current gimmicks, so i’m still fine with that idea.

  • batong no longer sleeps, instead, its stun will be in two parts : First stun, stuns for as long as normal, second stun, stuns twice as long, AND disables comms. That way, people about to be abducted can still yell/feel a sense of control, and attempt roleplay with emoting abductors, over just alt tabbing and waiting for it to end.

  • this one would be closer to a small rework, but make abductors less strong early one and have to actually acquire their gear throughout. Make it harder for them to greentext, the only reasons i don’t see abductors greentexting nowadays is because the shuttle was called too fast.

These come from someone who played a lot of abductors, due to having a lot of ghost hours.

What I like about abductors, is that there’s an actual sense of threat station-wide. You do wonder if you’re in danger, and try to stick together upon learning they’re overwatching. depending on their competency, the tone of the shift can quickly and wildly change.

And it’s chaos. A lot happening, panic, threat, confusion, it’s enjoyable. It’s a source of great things to remember, be it abductee or not, and could be character-defining moments if you roleplay in such a way.

However, a lot of people just. Don’t follow with their abductee gimmicks. Mostly because they’re either inconsequential or boring (shave people’s hair… okay…), and end up repetitive due to there being so few. And yeah, it sucks. I try to fix it by giving fun brainwashes when i’m an abductor, but it’s not always possible.

The complaint of “i don’t like feeling disempowered/having to alt tab for 20 years” is very valid too. Should be adressed. Same for the fact abductors can’t really roleplay back apart from miming.

And now, my biggest gripe, and what i hear a lot of complaints about.
“It just breaks up whatever I was doing and ruins my roleplay/my project.”

I fundamentally disagree with this one. It is a roleplay game. I, personally, enjoy actually dying most of the time. It wraps up whatever i was going through that shift in a tiny little cute bow, making me able to remember it more than an uneventful shift where I focused on my autism project for 20 years. Abductors, fit in here too. A wild change of pace, a new way to approach a round, modifying how i play and how i approach others, is fun. And I genuinely don’t understand people who dislike it for that specific reason.

Even on high roleplay servers, you have a lot of events happening to break the monotony of a shift. Be it the creativity and help given to traitors to provide entertaining scenarios to the crew, or admin interventions and events to spice it up, it allows people to actually be inside of a story and not just isolated doing nothing.

If you really feel that disturbed that you died because “i can’t roleplay anymore”, then, i really believe you should opt for a different form of roleplay game, one which does not feature at its core a chaotic and silly narrative-maker. Maybe a chat-room ala vrchat, or TTRPGS, which are naturally more predictable.

But SS13 really isn’t a game where you should expect your RP session to be predictable. One moment, it’s discussion between coworkers, the next, it’s panic because of a plasmaflood and trying to hide with said coworkers, or alone if they died, making up your own story in your mind and encountering a few other survivors to continue this round’s “story”. That’s the essence of ss13. And I really think you should shift your mindset around that, because i really don’t think ss13 would be for you otherwise.

And if you feel annoyed that you died because you couldn’t finish whatever project you had. look, dude, you can just boot up your own ss13 server really easily, turn off random events, refill power here and then, and do whatever thing you wanted to do on your own with no danger. You would even be able to try out dangerous things safely, and be able to know how to reproduce them in game much faster. AND probably feel less frustrated if you fail, because you already know how to do it !


This is a round event meant to feel actually threatening and dangerous, while keeping a whacky/silly enough nature to not warrant panic like a blob would. If you see it as the same level of threat as a sentient slime spawn, you’re really really wrong on that.

It has charm, wackiness, sillyness, and provides a lot to the overall RP experience whenever someone actually bothers enacting out their abductee objectives. It has flaws, it needs a bunch of ironing out, but it’s good. Better than what a bunch of people would like to make you believe.

And I really oppose the idea of removing them, and i don’t think you could rework them from the ground up without losing a lot of what makes abductors, well, abductors.


get hit by the stun+sleep+cuff
be forced to do a specific “gimmick” for the next 2 hours, basically ruining your whole round

And you wonder why some people ignore abductee goals


if your shift last 2 hours after an abductor spawns, then jesus christ they’re shit.

But yeah, the gimmicks should be rewritten to be more open ended.


actually, you get the “you don’t remember anything” message AFTER you get teleported back to station so probably that processor device is responsible for your amnesia of the events.


Just dont be alone? lol

One is a roundstart antagonist, the other is a Midround. There are differences.

The other day we tried fighting an ayy as a 4 person group while tryin to rescue 2 people. 1 seccie, 1 botanist, 1 staffie with a toolbox and me with a hatchet. I slashed them 5 times in the head and we all just got stunned one by one literally being unable to do shit and then had to wait a solid 8 minutes for all 6 of us to get operated on. Being in a group doesn’t mean shit if your opponent can one shot anyone

Also what does this even have to do with forgetting everything


And if you feel annoyed that you died because you couldn’t finish whatever project you had. look, dude, you can just boot up your own ss13 server really easily

This i agree with