Visual update for hos and captains cloak

Dont you think both cloaks are kinda lack luster compared to every other heads cloak, or is just me ?
I mean hops cloak is so neat if you were to compare them.

I would love to try and update the sprites myself if im not the only one not liking the cloaks.

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go for it that could be cool

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CE cloak is better than cap’s cloak, and that’s a sad thing.

Fix it please.


Because CE does more than the captain?

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Even QM does more than captain, mostly.

bruh managing sm or crates vs managing whole station and every crisis that hits it
Captain is the top of the command you could fuck off and do nothing or do literally everything from setting up sm to saving station from doom it all depends on the captain.
Remember that there is no limit. Unlike other heads which just do their job.

I have played as Cap many times, and have many hours of experience to say that cap is job for those that either: just unlocked it, so they wanna try; or those that wanna do it once in 100hours or so. So mostly cap is retarded.

captain authorize executions go brrrrrrrrr, mime steals aa captain execution go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


when people dont know space law isnt enforced ooc and anyone can execute a antag

On MRP you should really call sec before killing someone.


done 2020-05-30_13-33-40 2020-05-30_13-56-47
cap also has a new helmet 2020-05-30_13-31-50


thats sick af hell yea


no clue if it will get merged but glad you like it, i did my best

helmet kinda looks a bit too much like the CMO’s hardsuit/the deafult skin suit helmet, otherwise it looks cool

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I like the design, but I personally think they should be more colorful and stand out more.

2020-05-29_11-51-27 2020-05-29_11-52-31
yeah i based the side profile on it

Cmo helmet IS the best design so

hos has the best one imo

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