Very important poll regarding Admin/ Ninja prison

What is the meaning of “Gay Baby Jail”?

  • A jail for gay babies
  • A gay jail for babies
  • A jail for gay people that is a baby
  • A jail that is a baby and is also gay

0 voters

Where is the option for

A gay jail for gay babies

just vote both 1 and 2

I feel like Ninja could use a rework on objectives that are less bone, i believe /tg/ has a more RP oriented version regarding objectives from what i saw in a couple of vkdeos

And obviously the dojo thing needs to be reworked to either release the person after a bit losing their memory or just release all of them randomly across the station upon Ninja’s death like when Dragon/Morph dies, the dojo is cool but it’s effectively a round removal, i remember one time where me and another ling got captured(didn’t know you could resist back then) and we ended up killing(freeing) +12 player the ninja net’d, the screenshot is somewhere on screenshot thread.

Oh wait this isn’t the ninja rework suggestion & talk thread or maybe it is now…

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Yeah. I’ve been netted by the ninja one time and it is effectively just a less intense chrono legionare. Also slaughter demon also spits out the people it eats randomly across the station when it dies.

This forum sometimes feels like a Groundhog day, we are stuck in loop constantly discussing same issues and repeating same thoughts.
Let me just copy-paste my post from the past because nothing changed since then and I still stand by it

Either we give imprisonment some purpose/make it escapable or we could pretty much make the net just gib people cause it’s just a permanent round removal and being an actual ghost with ability to observe, comment and maybe grab some in-game role is more enjoyable than being locked up in a place you can’t physically escape in any way

As to not a permanent round removal solution

Ninja prison could be an outpost or pod in space (or potentially multiple pods just for prisoner or few) which explorers could intercept and bring them to station. Give ninja ability to visit those so they would have to rotate between station and prisons to make sure people remain there

We could also potentially add ability to convert imprisoned people to become lesser ninjas if crew didn’t bother to locate and free them. It would still take some time as prisoner so being caught in net wouldn’t be an attractive solution and way to become antag, it’s just a light of hope for getting some purpose and action out of it at some point.

And we would finally have opportunity to yell ‘Ninjas, scatter!’ while serving justice to NT executives and their goons


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