Unrealdawn Banned by Admin Bloons3


Admin’s CKEY:Bloons3

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both

Ban Type: 4ever

Ban Length: 4ever

Ban Date 21/04/29

Round ID:29253

Ban Reason:Banned for still using “Good Boy” as ic name on mrp

Appeal Reason:Hello i never had complain with such name before, goodest of the boys i really cause no grief whatsoever, is it possible to stick with such name?

Additional Information:thank you bless


Naming Guidelines

This page provides the naming conventions that are enforced as part of the rules on our Medium role-play server, Sage.

By Race

  • Human: Normal human names, the kind that won’t raise an eyebrow if you chose to name your child. This applies to all other races that reference human names

You have been asked by four different admins to change your name: @YoshimiWasTaken, @sergeikoralev, @velvet and also Bloons once before when he issued a week appearance ban.

Should at least lift the ban on golden since naming guidelines aren’t an issue there. He probably thought he was ON golden. Maybe.


Alright, what i meant is waaay back a year ago probably never had problems, just now.
I’ll change it if it ain’t fit for mrp, could i be forgiven?

All four of these were this month, including the ban.

(Not sure why these weren’t simply appearance bans)

What’s the new name you plan on using?

yea as i said a year ago or so had no problems but welp, probably randomized name

Yeah, not sure why this is a global perm.

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please i requiere some answer


Yeah, just remember what server you’re on.

You were also unbanned 2 weeks ago