Unknown ckey Player Report gaming

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Regarding your report: Borg has the classic trolley dilemma here.

  • Option a) Borg tends to your dead bb, risking law 1 because you showed willingness to kill people and because there are other people that need medical aid
  • Option b) Borg does not tend to your dead bb and instead helps the crit guy, risks law 1 vio because you might kill him.
  • Option c) Borg does run away to help other humans on the bombed shuttle and risks law 1 as you might kill the crit human.

It does not matter what it does, someone is going to get hurt, one way or another.
In pure logical terms, option b) is the correct choice. While you MIGHT hurt the crit human, the missing air and injuries of others WILL. So in terms of risk calculation, it did act correctly.


not really because if he healed my BB i wouldnt hurt anyone and i told em that

But others would be harmed during the time it would take him to heal him, so the borg acted in a way that the human/crew harm is minimal

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but it would be harm if they didnt heal them, as they would be harming the person i ordered them to heal AND my hostage

Law about human harm is above orders from humans. Even if the borg did what you asked it to, human harm would happen anyway so it still would be “guilty”.

Besides, it had good intentions. Unless they just ran away and did nothing overall of course.


why not just heal your own BB, you were in a shuttle that probably had medical supplies, you probably didn’t need the borg to help that much since you had cyrobeds

It probably was the shuttle with only basic medkits and cryobeds it sucks ass

Wait did the borg know that the person you wanted revived was a BB.

because i coulnt defib them and borg had defib

no it did not, it just thought it was a rando

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“You may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.”

An Asimov silicon would be logically obliged to follow basic triage in their execution of their first law. It can be interpreted that a dead person cannot come to any more harm and as such, those that will become more harmed without medical attention are the priority.

Your order to revive your BB was in direct contravention to Law 1 as there were human beings being harmed that needed the silicon’s attention more then you did. Your threat is meaningless to the borg because until you physically harm someone, the other people who are harmed or being harmed are a higher priority then your “potential” harm - as @Doctor_Ape has pointed out.

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Corporate Lawset would fix all this. Ugh.

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Paladin lawset. Kill the evildoer and then heal the other people that they were threatening.

so if i threatened to just start killing people and the borg still continued to heal the stasis guy it would be forced to heal my BB once i started attacking people?

No, because your bb was dead. He has no prio whatsoever.

Borg priority would then be to stop you from causing harm as much as possible within its means+laws

In a situation such as this there is no “correct” course of action, there is no way to entirely prevent harm. The borg acted in good faith to follow their laws to the best of their ability as when they “ran off” they did so to go dispense healing chems to those on the shuttle.

The currently alive crew that was being immediately harmed is more important than reviving a dead person at the threat of possible future harm.

Report Rejected