CKEY: VictorPride
Your Discord: VictorPride
Offender’s CKEY: Unknown
LRP or MRP server: MRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: Barold Bring
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 01/01/2021
Round Number: 25643
Rules Broken: Self-antag
Incident Description:
This shift quickly descended into a full-blown riot after Barold started firebombing the Brig. A number of people had gathered outside the Brig, I think some arguing about the clown being arrested, and this guy started bombing the place and catching a number of people in explosions. From there people started making spears, fighting security, making more bombs, buying gun crates etc and this was all whilst the station was under attack from space pirates. This kind of behaviour on a green shift on MRP is unacceptable and totally unwarranted.
I can’t verify if this is the guy who made firebomb but the riots that came of it were the stuff of legend and completely wrecked the station. I agree with a ban
An admin got on to handle this (and many other complaints about the riot) and ultimately decided that it was too much of a clusterfuck to pull apart. Riots are possible to pull off within the round and still be IC, and a couple of key players (including the HoP) came forward as responsible for starting it during the handling. Once a riot has started, they tend to snowball and it’s hard to hold the players who weren’t responsible for starting it as guilty of anything but playing along, especially when the riot involves command staff on both sides.
I’m not rejecting this, but knowing @Francium looked at it while the round was still going, I don’t expect I’m going to have much more luck deciphering it from logs alone and I don’t think it’s worth my sanity to try. They have a slightly stricter view on enforcing RP and also had access to more information than I will.
Setting a time-out of two months on this - if anyone else wishes to pick it up before then, they’re free to.
Agreed about riots snowballing, which is why I haven’t reported any of the other things that happened after this incident. I’m merely reporting who actually started the riot, for no apparent reason, and not only self-antagging but inciting the whole crew to do so too.
It’s not “too much of a clusterfuck to pull apart” to identify who actually started the riot by doing something unjustifiable which then provokes everyone else after that. All you have to do look at here is the timestamp, and see if this player can make any sort of justification for what they did.
I was Security during this round and other “key players” all took their actions in the minutes after this incident, which kicked it all off. Francium was busy dealing with all the ahelps so I expect they didn’t have a chance to go through the logs thoroughly and discover the first self-antag incident that happened, nor be able to identify that yes this is the incident that kicked it all off.
fair enough - I’ll give that specific incident a look and make sure it wasn’t in response to the HoP.
I haven’t firsthand looked at the round at all yet, I took the word of the second admin + my own experience at dealing with riots and how much of a headache it is to pull motivations for riots out of logs.
If you believe it was what sparked the riot and was done before the rest of the chaos took off, it shouldn’t be that hard to verify.
Didn’t the riots start because of security bashing chaps head for amassing firebombs? Then ‘followers’ gathered in front of brig demanding chaplains release and when sec didn’t do that, riot started. I was following that group (not doing anything, just observing) and their entire gimmick was welderfuel tanks and firebombs.
The first firebomb incident is what this report is referring to. Others making firebombs happened after this. As far as I’m aware the reason why people were gathered in one place was due to demanding the clown’s release, which was a minor issue already being resolved through discussion.