Ung Glob Metagrudging for no reason [again]

Checked the logs, no response was given to you regarding the result of the ticket. He was left with a note for the behaviour and I have also dealt with your previous report on him here :

Here’s the admin tickets for you two on that round :


Line 156: Line 9789: [2020-07-28 17:30:07.248] ADMINPRIVATE: Ticket #15: Brille65/(Hawks-The-Eyes): I better hope that Ung Glob is a traitor or is it a normal behaviour for shitsec that he robs the RD?
Line 161: Line 9831: [2020-07-28 17:30:22.106] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RiskySikh/(Bindy Johal)->Brille65/(Hawks-The-Eyes): He just robbed the RD for n oreason
Line 162: Line 9851: [2020-07-28 17:30:28.720] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Brille65/(Hawks-The-Eyes)->RiskySikh/(Bindy Johal): he flashed me for no reason, cuffed me, stole my PDA.
Line 163: Line 9880: [2020-07-28 17:30:38.705] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Brille65/(Hawks-The-Eyes)->RiskySikh/(Bindy Johal): He ius a metagrudging piece of shit i know from Fulpstation
Line 165: Line 9916: [2020-07-28 17:30:49.174] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RiskySikh/(Bindy Johal)->SiurMaster/(Ung Glob): Whats up with flashing and cuffing Hawks the Eye and stealing his PDA?
Line 192: Line 10829: [2020-07-28 17:34:38.603] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RiskySikh/(Bindy Johal)->SiurMaster/(Ung Glob): Talking about metagrudging, Hawks mentioned that you possibly might’ve metagrudged him due to your guys past history on fulpstation.

Line 165: 	Line 9916: [2020-07-28 17:30:49.174] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RiskySikh/(Bindy Johal)->SiurMaster/(Ung Glob): Whats up with flashing and cuffing Hawks the Eye and stealing his PDA?
Line 173: 	Line 10099: [2020-07-28 17:31:48.050] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob)->RiskySikh/(Bindy Johal): all the sec officers are getting fucked by ai and borg, i tell him to blow those shitters up and he refuses, after another attempt on my life i sad fuck it, flashed, stole his pda blew up the borgs and set him free
Line 178: 	Line 10274: [2020-07-28 17:32:33.152] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RiskySikh/(Bindy Johal)->SiurMaster/(Ung Glob): But you overescalated.
Line 179: 	Line 10298: [2020-07-28 17:32:39.170] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob)->RiskySikh/(Bindy Johal): one second
Line 180: 	Line 10299: [2020-07-28 17:32:39.264] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RiskySikh/(Bindy Johal)->SiurMaster/(Ung Glob): You shouldn't be doing those sort of things like that.
Line 187: 	Line 10592: [2020-07-28 17:33:44.798] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob)->RiskySikh/(Bindy Johal): i should do i t, and thats why id idnt do it the first time, but after the second time, he refused once more ( prolly thanks to metagrudging) and i broke
Line 191: 	Line 10715: [2020-07-28 17:34:15.110] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob)->RiskySikh/(Bindy Johal): not to mention we had a battle like 3 minutes ago with 2 rogue borgs and a ling roboticists with nancy druid
Line 192: 	Line 10829: [2020-07-28 17:34:38.603] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RiskySikh/(Bindy Johal)->SiurMaster/(Ung Glob): Talking about metagrudging, Hawks mentioned that you possibly might've metagrudged him due to your guys past history on fulpstation.
Line 197: 	Line 10984: [2020-07-28 17:35:14.778] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob)->RiskySikh/(Bindy Johal): he is a human trash thats what he is
Line 201: 	Line 11045: [2020-07-28 17:35:25.999] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RiskySikh/(Bindy Johal)->SiurMaster/(Ung Glob): I am going to give you a note for it.
Line 203: 	Line 11084: [2020-07-28 17:35:32.314] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RiskySikh/(Bindy Johal)->SiurMaster/(Ung Glob): Alright, try not to do those sort of things again.
Line 207: 	Line 11189: [2020-07-28 17:35:59.247] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: SiurMaster/(Ung Glob)->RiskySikh/(Bindy Johal): i wont, i dont grudge and do that shit, hawks is a piece of humans garbage and i dont want to do anything with him
Line 219: 	Line 11602: [2020-07-28 17:37:31.011] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: RiskySikh/(Bindy Johal)->SiurMaster/(Ung Glob): Take care
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