Unban appeal from for misurn the extremist ai

**CKEY: Misurn

**Admin’s CKEY: RukoFamicom

**Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: first it was from lrp, then i got banned from mrp (not because i did anything else, i got banned after mentioning in the appeal it was a single server ban and that itd be fine and accidentally remembering the admin the kind of ban was incorrect to the intended one)

**Which server did the ban happen on?

**Ban Type: "permanent

**Ban Date: (1/04/2020)

Round ID: 12599

**Ban Reason: In LRP i approached there were no admins on and like 20 people to try to kill the comfirmed traitors myself (broke laws by trying to crush them with doors or electrify them to begin with, but the reason of the ban was that i trapped them two at cargo and dragged a plasma canister with a borg just to plasma fire’d it) , also tried to form a anti-traitor-deadsquad with the few people i could find online
heres an screenshot of t

**Appeal Reason:
“Going ahead with accepting the input of others who posted, as well as those that spoke in the discord channel. If you can get a vouch from another reputable server claiming that you’ve changed since getting this ban, we will repeal it, but the ban will be upheld for now.”
-May 26 quote from Ruko the head
i finnally got myself a vouch from a good admin from tg, ill link him this post in some time

Additional Information:
That quote its from around a month ago as ive been playin on tg so my ban lenght would have lasted around 3

Howdy fellas, I’m the /tg/ gamemaster that gave this dude a vouch. Figured I’d pop in here just to reiterate it.

As of having 2130 minutes of living time on our DB (about 36 hours), Misurn has only accrued one note/ban (namely: Banned from the server for 30 minutes - Major IC in OOC: Misurn: AYE everyone, lennox travato its killing people approaching there are no admins). While obviously rule-breaking, this was probably not done out of malice (and also his only noted rule breaking incident), so I doubt he has intention to just mass grief you guys again for no reason.

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I’m pretty much in agreement with the linked post - the note shows you’re not perfect, but that’s an immense improvement from blatant grief even if it is still a pretty bad move.

I’m in favor of an unban now, but not acting before others have had a chance to voice their views on this.

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Blank+_b3ae42bf0e8982014a87261f50fe34b3 :honeybee: bump

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I support unban.

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Hey, as long as it works

im really eager to play ai again, sorry if im unpatient

Unbanning now.
Sorry for the delay

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