Truckin4Real Player Report

In-game report:

   Title: Truckin4Real Player Report
   CKEY: horder

   Your Discord:-

   Offender’s CKEY: Truckin4Real 

   LRP or MRP server: MRP

   Offender’s In-Game Name: Medical Officer Fleming 

   Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 9/25/2020

   Round Number: 21783

   Rules Broken: 3 and 5

Incident Description: Harassed officer while she was taking shower, later during evac attacked the same officer with lethals shouting " NOT ACCEPT MY ADVANCES".

Additional Information: -

I was the player he was harassing and later attacked, can confirm this information is accurate.

Chat log

Medical Officer Fleming says, “Damn.”
Medical Officer Fleming says, “You’re kinda hot. . .”
Medical Officer Fleming says, “You would be a “ginger breeder”.”
Medical Officer Fleming says, “That’s what the boys call it.”


I’ll take a look at it once I get logs access; this behaviour is genuinely quite unacceptable.

EDIT: and training

Taking a look at it as we speak, I’ve found evidence of the breeding part, heading onto combat logs.

even regardless of the combat logs it should be an ERP ban imo shits creepy

He has been given a severe note and put on a watchlist. Report proccessed.

Due to the lack of physical action (me’s and shit), there is no ban. Any similar scenarios will be treated like real ERP, though.