Title: Truckin4Real Player Report
CKEY: horder
Your Discord:-
Offender’s CKEY: Truckin4Real
LRP or MRP server: MRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: Medical Officer Fleming
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 9/25/2020
Round Number: 21783
Rules Broken: 3 and 5
Incident Description: Harassed officer while she was taking shower, later during evac attacked the same officer with lethals shouting " NOT ACCEPT MY ADVANCES".
I was the player he was harassing and later attacked, can confirm this information is accurate.
Chat log
Medical Officer Fleming says, “Damn.”
Medical Officer Fleming says, “You’re kinda hot. . .”
Medical Officer Fleming says, “You would be a “ginger breeder”.”
Medical Officer Fleming says, “That’s what the boys call it.”