Troper nimda 1redea

In-game misconduct:

Title: aeder badmin report

CKEY:kate bishop

Your Discord:same

Offender’s CKEY:aeder1

LRP or MRP server:erp

Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant):

Date (MM-DD-YYYY):universe hot death

Round Number:42069

Rules Broken (if relevant):badmin

Part of Admin Conduct Broken (if relevant):badmin

Incident Description:totally badmin and 100% racist banned me for griefing by killing 30 people whit a fireaxe and maxcaping every z level on existence,beated my family stole my shekels and ate my dog. plox ban tnks

Additional Information:very serious report, very badmin , ban him
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How horrid of him, obviously he must be keelhauled and then drawn and quartered.

what even, is 20 characters

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Read it backwards

Your racist accept it

Please don’t make meme admin reports. Everyone single one has to be looked at seriously, or at least closed by a headmin. Also the amount of admin reports without real grounds in broken conduct is too high lately. If someone broke admin conduct in your eyes report them, but try and take it as seriously as they are by staff.

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thats the joke every idiot whit a forum account is admin reporting for stupid causes

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Closing this for being an obvious joke.

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