Traitor backstories and objectives


Savior of traitor RP. When are we getting sec backstories too? Both sides need more incentives.

Write your own sec backstory fool

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I can and have, and I can write my own traitor backstory too. But will most players?

I’m only half joking

Sec backstories are way less of a problem because they have way more guidance on what they are doing. They have a law to follow, bosses, etc.

Traitors are basically left on their own with a shell of a character that may not match their initial thoughts at all, as most people write their character to be a typical NT employee, not a murdery syndicate.

I don’t genuinely think assigned sec backstories are even a good idea, but sec do need more incentives than hard rules to follow in my opinion.

I agree that Vines need a little more spice because they usually get countered by a few welder hits or it gets too out of control, i believe /TG/ and Skyrat has a version which make them spawn with two ghost controllable maneaters to defend the early vine spread and at least allow them to try to guarantee a bulb to be created so more maneaters can start appearing

Also hard agree with what @Wrill said, sec wears down the player a lot and you go from having a full team to one officer and one det on the next shift

You… disagree that sec need incentives to RP? I misread, woops.

My bad, but no, i agree that sec needs more incentives than hard rules to follow, though this should be optional in the end so it doesn’t necessarily applies as a ‘‘rule to follow’’ just some extra flavour

But isn’t what Kat made on the PR similar to a ‘‘flavor text’’ that Crossed said that he didn’t want for us? or was it Ike…

Flavor text is examine text. It shows when examining people. Backstories are shown exclusively to the player and possibly the roundend report.

For you all who aren’t github-brained, here are the backstories I have.

Creds to @Haliris and @WilsonPH for some of these

“The Debtor” (Forced)

“I owe a lot of money… Falling on hard times… I couldn’t pay to live - and now I have to earn it all back if I want to continue living.”

“The Stolen” (Forced)

“They have… everything. They stole my entire fortune, and now I’m destitute. The only way I’m earning it back is if I do what they say.”

“The Gambler” (Forced)

“They warned me, told me to not enter that card game, but they didn’t stop me. They knew I’d lose tens of thousands, I can’t help it. Now, there’s only one way to crawl out of this hole I dug myself into. Such bad luck… but if I can only repay them by fulfilling these tasks, maybe just maybe I can make it big.”

“The Blackmailed” (Forced)

“They know all about what I did… and they’re not afraid to turn me in if I don’t do what they say.”

“The Hostage” (Forced)

“They have someone I love hostage. Oh god… What would I do without them? I need to do this, or I’ll never see them again. I have to do this. There’s no other way out.”

“The Legal Slave” (Forced)

“Shit… I signed a contract I shouldn’t have. Now they own me. I have to do their bidding, and if I don’t… They’ll come for me.

“The Savior”

“Nanotrasen are corrupt, evil to the core. The crew here are sheep, and I must liberate them by showing the error in their ways. Expose Nanotrasen for what they truly are.”

“The Hater”

“Nanotrasen ruined my life. They ruined everything. They took the things that I love away from me. Now I’m going to make them pay.”

“The Greedy”

“If I do this, I’ll be set for life. I’ll have everything I ever wanted, and more. The payment is astronomical, and I’m fit for the job. Let’s do this.”

“The Climber”

“Life is a ladder, and there is only climbing it. I shall have no friends, I shall hold no loyalties, for the only end goal in life is for my ego to be supreme. In my many years of observing the dynamics in this universe, it is clear to me that the Syndicate is the surest way to achieve the domination of myself. Today marks the beginning of my ascent, nothing matters but my rise. I am supreme.”

“The Machine”

“I was born in the Syndicate. I was made in the Syndicate. I am the Syndicate. I am nothing without the Syndicate, and I will do everything I am asked.”

“The Sadist”

“I want power, not over people, but over life, to inflict pain and suffering is my road to power. They want a killer? I shall play their little game if it helps me fulfill my morbid desires. No, I do not want money or influence, power over the souls that inhabit this station is my payment. Hahahahah. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. HAHAHAHAHHAHHH!!! KILL!!! KILL!!! KILL!!! BURN!!!”

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If this isn’t in bold red text I’ll be severely disappointed

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Neato, this will pair up nicely with Wilson objectives (and the ones ported from /tg/) since they fit a lot of those texts for extra engagemet

Could just be a syndicate fanatic, I don’t imagine that nt are the only ones with cloning abilities

Yeah, the “Man with nothing to loose” backstory includes that.

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Some progress





Are these picked upon rolling traitor or beforehand?

After, in a popup menu. You have 2-5 minutes to select a faction and backstory, or else you get forced into syndicate and can select a syndicate backstory.

Your faction/backstory are slightly inspired by your murderbone status, but overall complete player freedom is given, you can select most anything as long as it’s compatible with your faction.


wait there’s different factions other than the syndicate? I thought the syndicate was just a loose association of companies that fought between themselves.

Just throwing down an idea here: I noticed that Emmaged Communications console isn’t used that often and is also dependent on the admins responding, maybe a coded reply could be implemented or used as reporting the progress on the assigned mission for the traitor.

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