Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both, probably
Which server did the ban happen on? LRP
Ban Type: Game
Ban Length: 2 days
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 06.04.2020
Round ID: 16794
Ban Reason: Heavy self antagging on LRP, subverting chain of command by distributing AA and trying to demote Cap
Appeal Reason: Did not actually break any rules. If taking and handing out AA is considered “subverting the chain of command”, then 90% of golden`s playerbase should be banned.
Additional Information: Since when is distributing AA on LRP considered to be a bannable offence? It has never been an issue: literally everybody does it, it’s normal LRP behaviour. And even if it wasnt, i only gave it to TWO people, one of which then decided to hand it out to everyone. Why am i being held responsible for their actions?
Demoting the cap is a whole another thing, and really isnt gucci. Though, he actually tried to get people from hopline to kill me, saying things like “KILL HIM AND I’LL GIVE YOU AA” (rule 3 states that “heads of command/security cannot make players valid, only warrant their arrest.”, so he broke that one by making me valid), which is part of the reason i asked Stas to get him demoted in the first place. Moreover, the cap eventually got his AA back, and even made an announcment saying “You are all forgiven”. So technically, it got resolved IC, yet here i am, banned.
Unban this poor fellow, this has been done a lot on LRP and I dont see how it could be considered subverting chain of command as he didnt try to instate himself as Captain either, on the other hand this was resolved ICly why need for admin intervention? So this is:
Rule broken not clear cut
Already resolved ICly before the ban
Done by a trialming without the authing admin in the ban reason (if any)
I dont see why he would stay banned
Juuuuust to make sure, can we have logs confirming Ethnius was not involved significantly in this ICly? reading through this again and i’m starting to have suspicions
The captain ahelped it so the captain who forgave you did not actually forgive you and made it an admin problem, and was continually fucked over until they were just thrown into perma by a sec guard who also had AA I believe. Which was total subversion of the chain of command since they basically had no sway in the station.
Also, I am fine with assistants taking AA and giving it out. Depending on the circumstances.
No roundstart captain? Take that AA I don’t give a shit
10 minutes into the round? Go for it mane
But this is what I’m not fine with.
There was a round start captain, and before he can do anything substantial. A greytider who is non antagonist comes into his office while they are still prepping and basically cuffs him to a chair (unrobust captain). Then undermines their authoritah (which is the definition of subverting the chain of command) by taking AA and handing it out to someone who did. I was not gonna start banning by relation because of the initial actions you took as the instigator .
The captain was then continually mutinied against for basically the rest of the round until they died and DCed which was ruining another persons round just so you can validhunt without having to worry about access.
I also did it get authed, so I’ll be adding it when I get back.